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Mobile Network Operators, their trade partners and deal-  We have developed strategic partnerships with several De-
               ers, key vendors and original  equipment manufacturers,   velopment Finance Institutions for the purpose of provid-
               and their entire value chain over the years. With our bou-  ing medium to long term innovative and sustainable fund-
               quet of products and services tailor-made to suit the pe-  ing solutions at very competitive pricing to eligible clients.
               culiar banking needs of players in the sector and our robust   These include notable relationships such as the Nether-
               value chain strategy, we ensured we consolidated on our   lands Development Company (FMO), European Investment
               reputation as the bank of reference in this sector.   Bank (EIB), African Development Bank (AfDB), International
                                                              Finance Corporation (IFC), Deutsche Investitions- und En-
               Access Bank will continue to deploy resources to these   twicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) amongst others.
               sectors, as it is our firm belief that these will remain key driv-
               ers of economic transformation in Africa in the foreseeable
                                                              Treasury Group
                                                              The Treasury team, provides innovative solutions which are
               Financial Institutions Group                   not of only necessary for the sustainability of our business,
                                                              but our customers as well. This guided our transactions
               The Financial Institution Group is your “One-Stop Financial   and interactions with customers in the course of the year.
               Services Shop.” We manage business relationships with   We  proactively  offered  hedging  solutions  to  our  teeming
               Financial Institutions, including leading Development and   clients, including Forwards, OTC Futures and Swaps that
               Investment Banks as well as Insurance companies, Pension   provided the much needed foreign currency (FX) liquidity
               Funds, Stockbrokers, Registrars and Trustees among oth-  for our clients, whilst mitigating risks in a volatile FX envi-
               ers.                                           ronment.
               Our team provides Global Relationship Management Ser-  In the course of the year, we organized an FX seminar to
               vice  offerings  including  Settlement  and  Correspondent   assist market participants’ – customers and regulators –
               Banking Services, Cash Management, Trade and Project Fi-  come up with ideas on moving the FX market forward. Our
               nance. We also offer structured hedging solutions such as   Fixed Income team rolled out more best-in-class services
               FX Futures, Forwards and Swaps.                via prime brokerage, sale and repurchase agreements and
                                                              other yield-enhancing products for both local and foreign
               Some of the key strategies deployed by the Group in 2017
               FY include:                                    currency assets. We were in the forefront of market de-
                                                              velopment, offering possibilities that redefined the whole
               •   Hosting  a  first-of-its-kind  Broker-Dealer  Forum  for   spectrum of transaction negotiation, initiation and execu-
                   prime brokerage customers. The forum was designed   tion. This ensured that Access Bank consistently topped
                   to create awareness for this market segment and also   the Financial Market Dealers Quotations league table.
                   ensure closer engagement with market regulators in a
                   bid to standardize market practices and create room   We developed a web-enabled Treasury Bills Platform that
                   for new entrants thus achieving further expansion of   allows retail customers invest in Treasury Bills from the
                   this segment.                              comfort of their homes via their mobile device on the Bank’s
                                                              website. This innovation was engendered by the increased
               •   Launching Bank One Correspondent banking applica-  awareness and consequent demand for such Fixed Income
                   tion software designed to replace the laborious man-  securities over the past couple of years. We also leveraged
                   ual process in our correspondent banking service with   the social media to disseminate real time financial market
                   an innovative automated end-to-end process.  updates to our customers.

               •   Offering cheque truncation services; this process en-  We believe the future will be shaped through innovation and
                   abled the reduction of paper usage. In addition to this,   are poised towards achieving this.
                   we implemented a cheque truncation option embed-
                   ded into our PrimusLite platform.

               Project & Structured Finance

               Our Project and Structured Finance (PSF) Group is a leading
               and evolving financial advisory, debt arranging, and agency
               services provider. The Group supports the Bank’s clients by
               providing a full range of tailored financial solutions by lever-
               aging the expertise of its experienced staff and strong re-
               lationships with local and international financial institutions
               and professional service firms.

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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