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ment of the Bank’s retail banking aspirations through col-  leveraged mobile technology to give unbanked and un-
               laborations with third party institutions and by leveraging   der-banked  customers  access  to  financial  services.  This
               digital technologies. In line with our commitment to inno-  led to the creation of digital accounts for 2 million Nigerians
               vate for a sustainable future we provided 3 innovative solu-  who now have access to formal financial services.
               tions for the retail market and communities:
                                                              In addition, leveraging our digital collaboration with two
               •      Agency Banking                          leading e-payment companies and FinTechs, we launched a
                                                              digital lending service – ‘Pay Day Loan’ for salaried employ-
               •      Airtel Partnership for financial inclusion  ees on October 2017. In its first 3 months, over N2.5 billion
                                                              was disbursed to 190,000 employees.
               •      PayDay Loan Collaboration with ePayment
                      providers                               Today, millions of Nigerian workers can now access instant
                                                              loans of up to N500,000.00 by simply dialling the USSD
               Our Agency Banking business enabled us to increase our
               service  footprints  and  take  banking  services  to  the  cus-  code, *901*11#, from their mobile phones or by visiting
               tomers in their own communities. We also made significant   the PayDay Loan website ( No collateral
               progress in promoting financial inclusion by helping to re-  or additional documentation is required.
               duce the challenges that have kept over 40 million Nigeri-  The year 2017 provided us an opportunity to set up en-
               ans out of the formal banking space.           abling processes and to test key concepts for the next
                                                              growth phase of our retail business. In 2018, our focus will
               In the first 8 months, customers who were previously finan-
               cially excluded are now able to bank with us through 2,000   be to fully actualise and optimise the benefits of the digital
               agents across Nigeria and these touch points are set to   initiatives to serve our customers.
               grow to more than 7,000 agent outlets by the end of 2018.

               To  further  advance  the  financial  inclusion  agenda,  we

           32 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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