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This was evident in the initiatives deployed under the ‘Family ed financial resources gain access to formal finan-
Savings Scheme’. The scheme was designed to encourage cial services working with Government, NGOs and
families to save together and access exclusive privileg- philanthropic individuals.
es while they continue to enjoy the confidentiality of their
banking relationships, manage their accounts as unique in- • Periodic Newsletters and Magazines: In addi-
dividuals and get rewarded together. tion to an active microsite www.earlysavers.access, we educate, entertain and inform
Participation in the ‘Family Savings Scheme’ fostered fami- children on money management skills through
lies to adopt a healthy financial lifestyle. quarterly edutainment newsletters.
Tens of thousands of families participated in the scheme
with 2, 800 families winning gifts ranging from family home, In recognition of parents as an integral part of
family car, family vacations, scholarships, generators and building life skills for children, they are also kept
other exciting prizes in the first season of the scheme. abreast of product updates.
CHILDREN BANKING • early Savers teens Card: The latest in our value
proposition to children is the Early Savers Teen
A critical element of the Bank’s overall strategy is to ensure card – a prepaid card designed to provide
that we actively participate in nurturing our future custom- teenagers with a practical way of embracing
ers, shareholders, and staff members. Thus, the Children money management. The card enables children
Banking business provides a bouquet of financial solutions carry out basic independent transactions that
that help children develop the capacity to make informed help them imbibe financial accountability
money decisions. and financial planning at an early stage in life.
We agree with the Organization for Economic Co-opera-
tion and Development (OECD), that “people should be ed-
ucated about financial matters as early as possible in their YOUTH BANKING
lives”. Thus, our children banking strategy for raising a gen-
eration of financially savvy children is multi-faceted. We repositioned our offerings to suit the youth segment by
creating innovative value propositions and modifying exist-
• Early Savers Club: Since its launch, the Club ing products to create value for Nigerian Youths.
has grown its membership base in schools, faith
based organizations and children-focused
clusters where we deploy our game-based CAMPUS HUBS
financial literacy kit, at no cost.
We revamped 22 campus branches nationwide with the ob-
• Holiday Banking for Children: This initiative was jective of creating a vibrant youth appeal that aligns with the
borne out of the need to promote financial ever evolving needs of the millennial.
inclusion and literacy for children between the
ages of 5 to 16. The energetic look, tone, style and ambience of the cam-
pus branches which have now been renamed ‘Campus
Since its commencement in 2014, it Hubs’, align with the aspirations and passion of youths.
has hosted over ten thousand children who were
exposed to hands-on banking experience for the The upgrade translated to increased activities, positive
first time. The initiative equips children with word of mouth and the overall acceptance of the brand as
financial capabilities that will guide them the choice financial brand for Nigerian students.
throughout their lifetime.
• Annual Celebrations: By actively participating
in annual celebrations such as the Global Money BUSINESS RESTRUCTURING
Week, Financial Literacy Day, World Savings Day, In recognition of the business viability of the youth and
and Children’s Day we were able to empower campus ecosystem, we realigned internally and implement-
thousands of children with financial literacy.
ed a more efficient business strategy to enable us meet the
• 1-Child-1-Bank account Initiative: We dynamic needs and deepen our relevance in campuses and
reached out to vulnerable and out-of-school youth ecosystem.
children through the 1-Child-1-Bank Account ini-
tiative – designed to help orphans and vulnerable Our objective is to create ambassadors in the Youth seg-
children as well as children of parents with limit- ment through an endearing brand; youth clients who will
advocate for the brand, remain loyal and bring their friends.
30 Access BAnk Plc
Annual Report & Accounts 2017