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FRANCHISE In line with the aspiration of the Bank to be digitally-led, the
frontiers of product development and innovation are being
The Franchise Group provides remittance services through challenged, as we strive to evolve greater levels of capabil-
International Money Transfer; fast-tracks seamless collec- ities and solutions on the back of technology to serve our
tions of utilities and Government revenue and provides fi- customers with more convenient, flexible loan products
nancial services to development agencies such as embas- that meet a broad spectrum of needs.
sies and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO).
In our journey towards becoming Africa’s Payment Gate-
way to the World, we enabled over 1,000,000 customers, PRIVATE BANKING
send and receive funds to and from their families, friends
and business associates across the world through various The Bank’s Private Banking clients enjoy exclusive product
platforms such as Western Union, MoneyGram, Ria Money offerings through innovative and sustainable financial solu-
Transfer, Earthport and Cross Border Transfers to and from tions
From basic banking products and services to elite financing
The facilitation of collections for utilities and Government structures and programmes, we are committed to under-
revenue increased significantly with the Bank winning ad- standing the evolving needs of our clients while providing
ditional mandates in different geopolitical zones across unmatched personal service that exceed their expecta-
the country. Given our reputation for quality service deliv- tions.
ery with key State Governments and Institutions, strong We once again demonstrated our commitment to provid-
relationships were deepened and we were appointed lead ing best-in-class solutions to our premium clients by the
agents for collections in additional States. launch of the ‘Access Visa Infinite Metal Card’ which delivers
We proactively deployed robust technology for the States unprecedented levels of service and outstanding benefits
to simplify revenue collections and helped them actualize for a limited few.
their specific business objectives.
Against the backdrop of volatile economic realities, we
consistently created opportunities for our clients to sur-
pass their personal wealth management goals and objec-
LENDING SOLUTIONS tives through the introduction of the Fixed Rate Deposit
Advantage (FRD Advantage); a high-yield investment op-
Our commitment to supporting our customers with inno- tion that assures wealth preservation in a fragile economy.
vative products and lending solutions that meet their per-
sonal, financial and lifestyle needs remain very strong. The Our dedicated Relationship Managers go the extra mile to
robust bouquet of offerings include Personal Loans, Vehicle build long term relationships with our high net worth cli-
and Asset Finance, Mortgages, Credit Cards among others ents based on knowledge, trust and accountability which
that are well adapted to the peculiarities of our various cus- is geared towards establishing a secure and predictable to-
tomer segments. morrow.
The Bank explored new capabilities by leveraging digital
technology to bridge funding gaps for salary earners (both
account holders and non account holders) nationwide. This PRODUCTS AND SEGMENTS
enabled instant disbursement of loans via our USSD plat- Bringing the customer to the heart of what we do is what
form *901# with minimal documentation requirements.
the Products and Segments Group seeks to achieve
The lending activity on our Personal Loans continued to through a segment focused approach.
grow steadily as employees in the private and public sectors The segment-to-serve approach underpins our mod-
rely on us to meet their financial and lifestyle needs.
el for banking individuals and fostering financial inclusion.
These feats among other laudable value propositions to our The core of our differentiation lies in our deep industry
customers, further position the Bank as a dominant player knowledge, passion for customers and desire to see them
in the retail banking space in Nigeria and across Africa. achieve their goals and objectives unhindered, while
delivering superior and sustainable business results.
Our strong pedigree in Vehicle Financing and partnerships
with leading automobile dealerships in the passenger and We have a strong focus on women, children, youths as well
commercial vehicle segments enabled us support individ- as seniors, employees and affluent professionals.
uals and businesses to acquire new vehicles in a cost-ef- With the goal of financially including the everyday Nigerian,
fective manner. The new partnership with GAC Motors in this year saw the Group bring to light a refined approach to
Nigeria, ensured that our clients had even more options to banking for families.
choose from in their vehicle purchase process.
Access BAnk Plc 29
Annual Report & Accounts 2017