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               PERSONAL BANKING

               The determination to build a sustainable

                future and deliver superior value to our
               customers remains the compelling force behind

               the Personal Banking Division.

                                                                        Over the years, we have bolstered the offer-
                                                                       ings to our retail clients through a customer-
                                                                      centric approach to service which has continued
                                                                    to set us apart in the industry. Our differentiation
                                                                   has been sustained through the wide range of inno-
                                                                  vative financial and lifestyle solutions designed and re-
                                                                freshed to suit the varying needs of our clients.
                                                              Our Products and Segments Group manages and fosters
                                                            the Bank’s relationship with customers through an array of
                                                           integrated products and services that suit every unit in a fam-
                                                         ily; children, women, youth, seniors and the affluent customers.
                                                        Alongside, the Private Banking Group sustains the relationship with
                                                      the Ultra High and High Net worth customers through personalized
                                                     wealth management solutions and services.

                                                  Our customers also enjoy financial advisory services provided by our ded-
                                                 icated relationship and segment managers which equip them with the rudi-
                                               ments of personal financial management and planning that help them navigate
                                              a recovering economy.

                                           Providing innovative solutions for a sustainable future is our key driver in 2018 and we
                                          are committed to developing a revolutionary business that will accelerate our journey
                                        to becoming the World’s Most Respected African Bank.

           28 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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