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This  ensures  we  generate  long-term  value  for  them  and   Workshop’ in conjunction with the Enterprise Development
               their ecosystem.                               Centre of the Lagos Business School, has bridged business
                                                              and managerial skills gap amongst thousands of female en-
               INNOVATIVE VALUE PROPOSITIONS                  The activities  of the W community were spread through
                                                              Sub-Saharan Africa and across the web to social media
               The value propositions and features of the Bank’s youth
               product were enhanced by                       platforms. We have provided more than 2 million female
                                                              customers and women around the world with access to
               •      Increasing the digital channels for seamless       the educational and informative articles on capacity build-
                      banking transactions                    ing and networking events. We also provide timely updates
                                                              on developments that affect their personal and family lives,
               •      Integrating rewards and consistent engagement    careers and businesses. Several women have had reasons
                      as a core part of our engagement model  for repeat visits to the website and extended invitations to
                                                              their friends.
               •      Promoting co-creation platforms that enable us
                      create  suitable  offerings  that  are  not  transient.   The year 2018 will see us sustain our relevance in the wom-
                      One  of  such  offerings  is  the  student  lending   en’s market with initiatives that will set us apart and deliver
                      scheme that ensures they focus on their    substantial business results for the Bank.
                      education whilst their financial needs are being ca-
                      tered for.
               •      Partnering  with  youth  focused  organisations   EMPLOYEES AND AFFLUENT PROFESSIONALS
                      across the nation through capacity building pro-
                      grammes such as career fairs and entrepreneurial   We offer bespoke financial and advisory services to employ-
                      workshops.                              ees and affluent professionals through our Everyday Bank-
                                                              ing Product.  We are intent on helping affluent Professionals
               Through the digital development cafes, in collaboration   and the Employees of Corporates and SMEs optimize their
               with the Africa Fintech Foundry, we were able to provide the   active and productive days. We have also streamlined our
               capital empowerment and the right exposure that youths   business model to better serve this class of customers.
               require to make significant contributions towards the de-
               velopment of the Nigerian economy.             We are able to provide  employees and affluent profession-
                                                              als with swift and hassle-free financial solutions such as the
                                                              Automated PayDay Loan.
               WOMEN BANK                                     In furtherance of our goal to serve employees, rigorous re-
                                                              search and efforts were undertaken to ensure bottle necks
               We have also stimulated economic expansion through a   encountered  in  accessing  finance  are  eliminated  and  as
               58% growth in Access to Finance for women owned en-  such quick loans can be accessed at their convenience in
               terprises, up to N7.3 billion and a 308% growth in lending   minutes via the USSD (*901*11#), irrespective of their sal-
               to female individuals by helping them bridge financial needs   ary band. In its first 4 months of commencement, up to N2.5
               up to N5.1 billion. The initiatives we deployed across clus-  billion finance capital was provided to meet their pressing
               ters and women ecosystems contributed to a 46% growth   personal needs. This game changer provided comfort and
               in the Bank’s women portfolio.                 convenience to employees in a recovering economy.
               Referred to by experts as the banking product that delivers   Hundreds of thousands of employees were supported with
               babies, the first of its kind, our Maternal Health Service Sup-  information on financial and lifestyle products and services
               port (MHSS) has helped scores of women complete their   as well as career enhancement information via our monthly
               families and access quality healthcare by financing medical   publication “LOOP”.
               and fertility treatments for women amongst others. Driven
               by the passion for improved maternal health, we developed   We have achieved greater awareness in the target market
               partnerships with Fertility Clinics and health institutions   as well as an improved business performance by revamp-
               across the country.                            ing our product offering. An additional 800 corporates and
                                                              more than 150,000 employees in Nigeria have trusted us to
               In 2017, we participated in 60 women-focused events and   provide a secure financial future by making the switch to the
               hosted 11 capacity building sessions that reached 102, 500   Everyday Banking Product.
               women. These were achieved through the W Academy ca-
               pacity building sessions, networking programmes and IVF
               fora amongst others.
                                                              BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT GROUP
               Our  certified  programme,  the  ‘Womenpreneur  Business
                                                              The Business Development Group supported the attain-

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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