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               Our key asset is our people consisting of

               vibrant, empowered and customer-cen-

               tric professional business managers.

                                                                         Commercial Banking Division (‘CBD’)
                                                                        has grown over the years to become a
                                                                      formidable  force  within  the  financial  mar-
                                                                     kets in which we play. As we unveil our 5-Year
                                                                   Strategic Plan and look to the future, we will
                                                                  continue to provide innovative and sustainable
                                                                banking services that empower us to create the
                                                               secure  tomorrow  we  all  want,  while  offering  un-
                                                             equalled value to our clients, partners and markets, as
                                                            well as the communities we serve.

                                                         We maintain a pivotal position that is at the forefront of the
                                                       Bank’s strategic growth plan. We have consistently achieved
                                                      sustainable growth by adopting a two-pronged approach of
                                                    widening our customer base while deepening our market share
                                                   within each sector. As a business, we pride ourselves in being the
                                                 Bank’s flagship division, constantly re-engineering our processes in
                                                an efficient manner to deliver Speed, Service and Security.

                                             The Commercial Banking Division focuses on incorporated companies
                                           with a turnover of N1 billion and above (excluding companies that meet Cor-
                                          porate and Investment Banking Division’s customer criteria), Federal Govern-

           24 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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