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                                                                                Our Mission
                                                                   Setting standards for sustainable business prac-
                                 Our Vision                        tices that unleash the talents of our employees,
                             To be the World’s Most                  deliver superior value to our customers and
                            Respected African Bank.                provide innovative solutions for the markets and
                                                                            communities we serve.

                          Excellence                    Innovation                 Leadership
             •     Surpassing ordinary standards to be   •   Pioneering new ways of doing   •   Leading by example, leading with
                   the best in all that we do       things, new products and        guts
                                                    services, new approaches to   •   Being first, being the best and
             •     Setting the standard for what it   customers                     sometimes being the only
                   means to be exceptional                                    •     Challenging the status quo
                                               •    Being first, testing the waters
             •     Our approach is not that of excel-  and pushing boundaries
                   lence at all costs– it is excellence
                   on all fronts, so that we deliver out-  •   Anticipating and responding
                   comes that are economically, envi-  quickly to market needs with the
                   ronmentally and socially responsible  right technology, products and
                                                    services to achieve customer

                   Passion for Customers            Professionalism             Empowered Employees

                                                •    Putting our best foot forward in   •   Based on shared values and vision
              •   Doing more than just delivering excel-  everything we do, especially in
                 lent customer service               high pressure situations  •    Developing our people to become
              •   Helping people to clearly understand   •   Consistently bringing the best   world-class professionals
                 how our products and services work  of our knowledge and expertise   •   Encouraging a sense of ownership at
                                                     to the table in all our interac-  individual levels, whilst fostering team
              •   Treating customers fairly. Building long-  tions with our stakeholders  spirit and commitment to a shared
                 term relationships based on trust,                                 vision
                 fairness and transparency.     •    Setting the highest standards
                                                     in our work ethics, behaviours,
                                                     activities and in the way we
                                                     treat our customers and, just as
                                                     importantly, one another

           22 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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