P. 25
ment Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well • CBD, Abuja
as State and Local Governments. • CBD, North
• CBD, West
The Division’s target market includes companies that • CBD, East
are within the Corporate and Investment Banking Di- • CBD, South
vision’s value chain, as well as Federal, State, and Lo-
cal Governments. Specific target customers include Furthermore, each business segment is supported
Asian companies in key sectors and industries; select by sector champions who have developed specialised
States and cities, manufacturing companies, con- skills to cater for the needs of these markets. This en-
sumer, hospitality and lifestyle companies and con- sures we continually provide bespoke products and
tractors in select sectors. innovative solutions that guarantee our dominance
as the preferred business partner of our clients and
Our business focus is segmented across five major enable us to ultimately achieve our aim to become
markets, with the aim of delivering a unique service the World’s Most Respected African Bank.
experience at each touch point. The focus areas cov-
er: To support business strategy, our operational struc-
tures are designed to consistently train and enhance
1. General commerce and trading the skills of our staff. The Bank runs a Key Talent Pro-
2. Manufacturing gramme aimed at challenging, retaining and nurturing
3. Construction and contractors our brightest minds, while equipping them with the
4. Hospitality and lifestyle requisite market intelligence and exposure that make
5. Public sector them outstanding among their contemporaries. Our
staff embody the Bank’s core values of Leadership,
This focus is driven through the development of sec- Excellence, Empowered Employees, Passion for Cus-
tor hubs in various geographical zones within the tomers, Professionalism and Innovation. In addition,
country which provide a bird’s eye view of the unique the Division strives to create equal opportunities for
business environment in each locality. employees irrespective of gender or race.
In building a sustainable business model, the Division The Division remains committed to giving back to the
has created several specialized desks which include: various communities in which we serve through our
various Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.
1. The Agriculture Desk - to cater for the di- We have built enduring partnerships with renowned
verse opportunities in the agricultural sector. Now Non-Governmental Organisations such as the Down
more than ever before, the Agriculture Desk is poised Syndrome Foundation of Nigeria, while working with
to continue to play a pivotal role in driving economic our customers to champion capacity-building initia-
development through support for agriculture-based tives and gender empowerment programmes. We
initiatives in the coming years. charge ourselves with the responsibility to build a
better society with a strategic focus on health, safety,
2. The German Desk – to expand the oppor- education, sustainable environments and social wel-
tunity for trade volume growth and collaboration be- fare.
tween German and Nigerian SMEs. It shall also pro-
vide an agency relationship between KFW DEG (the As the driving force behind much of the Nigerian
German based Development Finance Institution) economy, the large-scale commercial sector pro-
and our German clients. vides the framework that can positively shape our
future. We are proud of our role in helping to develop
3. The Chinese Desk - to expand the oppor- this sector in Nigeria, across Africa and beyond, even
tunity for trade volume growth and collaboration be- in the face of challenging circumstances.
tween Chinese and Nigerian SMEs.
In order to fully serve our market segments, the Di-
vision is sub-divided into six Groups that are spread
across strategic locations across the country’s six
geo-political zones. They are:
• CBD, Lagos
Access BAnk Plc 25
Annual Report & Accounts 2017