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plications as well as internal and external channels. We also   SECURING THE BANK
               powered digitally led innovative solutions to provide opti-
               mised customer experiences and reduce risk across our   To ensure seamless service, the IT Group engaged the ser-
               entire solution landscape. In the last five years, the IT Group   vices of Deloitte in setting up a Cyber-Intelligence Centre to
               has revamped, upgraded and upscaled the Bank’s technol-  act as a Security Operations Centre charged with surveying
               ogy infrastructure in readiness for the future. We have also   the IT landscape and checkmating security threats before
               implemented effective and proactive platform monitoring   they caused harm to our information technology assets.
               and management systems that have resulted in improved   We  have  also  concluded  several  standards  and  certifica-
               uptime and availability of our platforms.      tions, including:
               In 2017, we reinforced our operational stability while ensur-  •   PCIDSS Certification: The global standard for card and
               ing the Bank’s security as we conducted our daily activities.   payment security.
               In addition, we implemented key projects that set the foun-
               dation for our digital banking and Finnotech strategies to   •   ISO27001 Certification: The standard for Information
               grow the Bank.                                     Security.
                                                              •   ISO  22301  Certification:  The  standard  for  Business
               Projects and initiatives executed during the year were fo-
               cused on facilitating innovative and sustainable banking   Continuity Management.
               services in the current economy and underpinning sus-  •   Implementation of two-factor authentication and
               tained business growth. A combination of several vibrant   other security capabilities on our payment platforms
               teams in the Group executed these projects in line with the   to enhance transaction security and boost confidence
               overall objectives, thereby supporting our transformation   in our digital platforms.
               In securing tomorrow, the activities of the IT Group were fo-
               cused on the objectives of creating and enhancing innova-  GROWING THE BANK
               tive and sustainable banking processes across the following
               areas.                                         In order to accelerate growth, it is essential to gain the trust
                                                              of our business partners through ongoing operational ex-
                                                              cellence. In alignment with overall business strategies and
                                                              vision, the IT Group executed strategic investments that
               STABILISING OPERATIONS                         are achieving desired business results and revealing new
                                                              opportunities to increase business value.
               We have been able to improve platform uptime and avail-
               ability with the deployment of proactive modular monitor-  We also improved ties with our strategic customers by pro-
               ing tools which have enhanced customer experience, re-  viding technology solutions that help improve their banking
               sulting in an increased share of the customer’s wallet. Some   experience, thereby further strengthening their loyalty to
               key initiatives implemented to drive operational stability on   our brand. The provision of bespoke solutions to some of
               all platforms were:                            our key corporate customers are examples of initiatives in

               •   Implementation of the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).   this space.
                   This has reduced the cost and difficulty of point-to-  A robust collection portal, Access Collect, was also built and
                   point integration for our application portfolio. It also   deployed. This has enhanced and simplified our collection
                   allows incremental adoption and data transformation   process, providing a more convenient and friendly collec-
                   across the years. This has led to faster integration with   tions experience for our customers.
                   ancillary applications and publishing of secured Appli-
                   cation Programming Interface for both internal and ex-  We have used our USSD Platform *901# and other digital
                   ternal solutions ecosystem collaborations.  channels to drive our salary-linked micro loan product, Pay
                                                              Day Loan. In alliance with strategic partners, we were able to
               •   Improved integration with third party payment part-  extend this loan product to a wider range of customers by
                   ners and processors.                       leveraging innovative solutions integration and ecosystem

               •   Rollout of a highly stable collection platform to drive   collaboration.
                   electronic collections and improve customer payment   The launch of the Bank’s flagship Omni-Channel solution
                   and vendor fulfilment experience.          in December  2017 revolutionised  the way  we serve  our
                                                              customers, by providing a unified and seamless customer
               These  initiatives  ensured  above  98%  uptime  across  the
               Bank’s channel applications and platforms.     experience across mobile and internet banking platforms.
                                                              This will be extended to Automated Teller Machines in 2018.

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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