P. 58

ness interests in Africa. These organisations pool efforts   SUSTAINABILITY RECOGNITION AND AWARDS
               to combat malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2017, we re-
               mained consistent in our resolve to eradicate malaria within   Our desire is to see ongoing progress in the developmen-
               our sphere of influence and our communities of operation.   tal landscape of Nigeria and Africa. It is this desire that has
               We served as the major host to CAMA technical fora and   driven our many initiatives and collaborative efforts to fos-
               also partnered with them in launching the Malaria-to-Zero   ter economically, environmentally and socially sustainable
               Initiative.                                    development in Nigeria and Africa. As we do so, the world
                                                              watches. This  has led to recognition   from  stakeholders
               In recognition of the Bank’s commitment towards combat-  who truly appreciate the value of our efforts.  As such, we
               ing malaria in Nigeria and Africa as well as its continued sup-  continue to receive accolades for our strides in promoting
               port and dedication to the Corporate Alliance on Malaria in   sustainable development in Nigeria through our banking
               Africa, Access Bank Plc was announced as the new African   operations and corporate citizenship efforts.  Some of our
               co-chair of CAMA in December, 2017.            most notable recognitions received during the year 2017
                                                              are show cased on page 67 of this report:

               PROGRESS REPORT ON THE 17

                Goals            Target          access Bank’s Corresponding Initiatives
                Goal 1: No Poverty  End poverty in all   International day for Poverty Alleviation: To commemorate this import-
                                 forms everywhere.  ant day in 2017, the  Bank partnered with CARE Trust to acknowledge the
                                                 effort and struggle of people living in poverty.

                Goal 2           End hunger,     Anchor Borrowers’ Programme: In 2017, Access Bank continued to work
                Zero Hunger      achieve food secu- with the CBN to collaborate with anchor companies (Rice/Wheat mill-
                                 rity and improved   ers) involved in rice production and processing to help poor local farmers
                                 nutrition, and pro-  increase local production, increase feedstock for processors as well as
                                 mote sustainable   reduce importation and conserve Nigeria’s external reserves. The Bank also
                                 agriculture.    partnered with Lagos and Kebbi State Government to build a rice mill with a
                                                 capacity to mill 20 tonnes of rice per hour.

                                                 AFLASAFE Initiative: In 2017, Access Bank partnered with GracefmSeda
                                                 Services to successfully implement the Aflasafe Project aimed at training
                                                 3,000 small holder farmers mobilized in the South-South region of the
                                                 country on sustainable agricultural practices to improve productivity and
                                                 reduce unsustainable production. The Aflasafe Project is an initiative of the
                                                 International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and World Bank aimed at
                                                 promoting food security through the adoption of ‘Aflasafe’ farming practic-
                                                 es, whilst improving the livelihood of small holder farmers across Nigeria.
                Goal 3:          Ensure healthy   Malaria-to-Zero: See details at page 55.
                Good Health and   lives and promote
                Well-being for the   well-being for all  Commemoration of International Days on Health: The Bank partnered
                People                           with several community-focused institutions on initiatives that improved
                                                 the quality of life of the people in different communities across Nigeria
                                                 and Africa. We commemorated the World Sickle Cell Day at Okokomaiko
                                                 community in partnership with Nirvana Initiative, providing free genotype
                                                 testing, counselling and sensitization on how to avoid sickle cell. Over 300
                                                 members of the community benefitted from the outreach.

                                                 On World Diabetes Day, we partnered with Hacey Health Initiative to con-
                                                 duct free diabetes screening and awareness campaign and counselling to
                                                 over 1,000 beneficiaries. As the world commemorated the 2017 World

           58 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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