P. 62
Ovie Brume Foundation - The Future projects: The goal of the project is
“to reduce the rate of unemployment among rural and urban youths in Ni-
geria through vocational skills development integrated with financial literacy
focusing on global best practices”. Over 60 Entrepreneurs were engaged in
different vocational skills such as fashion design, baking, hairdressing and
hair cutting. They also learnt business and financial management skills
Goal 9: Industry, Build resilient African Fintech Foundry: Financial technology plays a critical role as
Innovation and infrastructure, both a disruptor of the status quo and a potential solver of the tradition-
Infrastructure promote inclusive al problems of African financial institutions. Such problems include low
and sustainable in- level financial inclusion, scarce credit history and cash-driven transaction
dustrialization and culture. Through its African Fintech Foundry, (‘AFF’) Access Bank works in
foster innovation. close collaboration with the Fintech community. The AFF’s mission is to
build the most sought-after, most selective, and most successful technol-
ogy business incubator/accelerator by valuation in Nigeria.
The initiative empowered external participants in a series of events such
as coding contests, pitch days, and conferences as well as an application
process designed to attract the most talented and ambitious technology
entrepreneurs. Participants accepted into the accelerator programme
were exposed to opportunities to receive funding, mentorship, networking
opportunities, access to markets and work space, amongst others, to aid
development of their solutions.
SMe toolkit: In line with the Bank’s objective to build the capacity of its
SMEs, the SME Toolkit was designed to offer a platform for small business-
es to learn and implement sustainable business management practices to
increase their productivity and efficiency. The toolkit portal offers infor-
mation on business news, as well as industry trends and events. Our SME
Toolkit also provides access to new partnerships and markets.
Women Banking: In order to promote inclusive industrialization, our dedi-
cated women banking team continues to provide customized services for
women in our community. In 2017, the Bank provided women with banking
solutions that achieved 58% growth in access to finance for women-owned
enterprises and 308% increase in personal loans to women.
Goal 10: Reduce Reduce inequality Access Bank continues to provide new and innovative products or service
Inequalities within and among offerings designed to reduce inequalities in society such as:
Skill acquisition Project Focused on Women empowerment: Access
Bank’s Retail Operations Group launched a capacity building programme
with the aim to train and empower disadvantaged women across Nigeria,
some of which include: Rehabilitated street girls, Chibok women in IDP
Camps, Widows and Rape victims.
See details at page 44.
Family Banking Scheme: In 2017, Access Bank Plc unveiled a new savings
scheme, tagged the ‘Family Savings Scheme.’ The scheme was initiated to
give customers a boost in their savings. This is in line with the Bank’s com-
mitment to promote a savings culture among the populace. The ‘Family
Savings Scheme’ is a savings scheme designed to encourage families to
save together and enjoy exclusive privileges, such as high interest rates
and family rewards, while they continue to enjoy the confidentiality of their
banking relationship and manage their accounts as unique individuals.
62 Access BAnk Plc
Annual Report & Accounts 2017