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environmental and Social risk in Project Finance: The Bank ensures that
all transactions are screened for the possible environmental and social risks
inherent in projects to ensure that they are addressed effectively. Access
Bank has an established Environmental and Social Risk Management Unit
reporting to the Executive Director, Risk Management. We implemented
sustainable finance toolkit for transaction screening, assessment and
reporting, in line with Bank’s policies, Equator Principles and IFC Perfor-
mance Standards. This has helped us to ensure that all projects financed
are responsible, thereby reducing our environmental impact and efforts
towards a green economy.
Alternative Energy: Access Bank understands the negative environmental
impact of inefficient energy consumption. This is why we have embraced
the utilization of new environmental friendly technologies to power our
business for sustainable productivity. Presently, the Bank has:
• Over 257 solar-powered ATMs accounting for 14% of total ATMs
owned by the Bank
• 4 new solar-powered branches
• 311 branches (98%) are hybrid (inverter + public power supply + gen-
• The Ogunlana Drive Branch, Lagos is fully powered by solar energy
with no connection to the national grid
• Motion sensitive LED lightings at its Head Office
• LED lightings in all facilities nation wide.
These have greatly impacted our carbon emission reduction and in turn
minimized our impact on the environment, contributing to on-going global
efforts on environmentally-friendly practices.
Goal 14: Conserve and sus- Water efficiency at access Bank: At Access Bank, we take very seriously
Life Below Water tainably use the the responsible management of water resources. Over the course of the
oceans, seas and year, we installed water-efficient cisterns in our new rest rooms; thus, con-
marine resources serving water consumption and reducing waste waters.
for sustainable
Goal 15: Protect, restore, World Environment Day Participation: Access Bank in collaboration
Life on Land and promote with all banks in Nigeria commemorated the 2017 World Environment Day
sustainable use of (WED) with a publication on saving the environment in line with the theme
terrestrial ecosys- for 2017 WED-Connecting people to Nature. This publication appeared in
tems, sustainably Nigeria’s major newspapers showcasing banks’ commitment to protecting
manage forests, the environment and conserving nature.
combat desert-
ification, halt
and reverse land Sustainable Waste Management: In 2017,Access Bank expanded its
degradation and waste recycling initiative beyond its Head Office and annexes to facilitate
biodiversity loss improved disposal of waste product across its locations. The Bank now
recycles waste across 37 locations. In line with strategic plans to improve
the capacity of waste recycling businesses locally, the Bank donated recycle
waste pick-up trucks to waste off-takers. Parallel Points and Recycle Points
– empowering them to ensure sustainable waste management is embed-
ded locally. Furthermore, a comprehensive training on sustainable waste
management practices was organized to educate the Bank’s employees on
environmentally responsible waste management practices, which led to a
paradigm shift in their perspective of waste as a resource. Today, the Bank
has achieved a 92.64% reduction in waste-to-landfill at its 37 locations.
64 Access BAnk Plc
Annual Report & Accounts 2017