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The Scheme also provides access to people who are currently excluded
                                                 from financial services while promoting capital accumulation and invest-
                                                 ment boom. Currently, over 26,522 families are banked under the Save-To-
                                                 day-Take-Tomorrow initiative.

                                                 Instant Savings Account: The Bank developed the ‘Instant Savings
                                                 Account’ to provide a strategic financial product that will address the gap in
                                                 financial inclusion. The ‘Instant Savings Account’ is a hassle-free account
                                                 opened with just a passport photograph that brings banking and financial
                                                 services to the unbanked and underbanked segments.

                                                 With this special product of Access Bank, individual were able to open an
                                                 account that required no minimum deposit, no monthly maintenance
                                                 fee, access to your account on the go through mobile banking platforms,
                                                 access to verve debit cards and lots more.
                Goal 11: Sustain-  Make cities and   Financing Sustainable Cities: Access Bank makes efforts to make cities and
                able Cities and   human settle-  human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. This is why we
                Communities      ments inclusive,   are one of the lead financiers of the Eko Atlantic City project, a sustainable
                                 safe, resilient, and   and smart city. The Eko Atlantic City project is designed to be Nigeria’s
                                 sustainable.    version of Manhattan, New York.
                Goal 12:         Ensure sustain-  Energy Consumption in our Facilities: Efficiency improvements are being
                Responsible      able consumption   made on Access Bank’s facilities to reduce total energy consumption. In
                Consumption and   and production   2017, through the review of the Bank’s early shutdown policy in June 2017
                Production       patterns.       from 8pm to 7pm, the Bank achieved a 24.9% reduction in diesel con-
                                                 sumption. Furthermore, the Bank has a fully solar-powered branch at the
                                                 Ogunlana Drive (which is not connected to the national grid). The Bank has
                                                 also constructed 4 new solar-powered branches to improve our carbon

                                                 Currently, a total of 257 of the Bank’s ATMs are fully powered by solar
                                                 energy. This has enabled the Bank to achieve a 63.4% reduction in CO2
                                                 emissions from electricity, a 28.8% reduction in CO2 emissions from diesel
                                                 and a 16.7% reduction in CO2 emissions from petrol.

                                                 Paper Consumption: Across the Bank, we have automated most pro-
                                                 cesses, thereby, reducing the need to print. In 2017, the Bank continued to
                                                 adopt eco-printing practices such as the use of recycled paper, printing on
                                                 both sides of paper, re-use of scrap paper and the automation of process-
                                                 es. The Bank also made significant reduction in the volume of printing by
                                                 adopting the Diligent Board Book, an automated and secured system for
                                                 Board meetings, and paperless meetings.

                                                 Water efficiency: In the Bank, we take very seriously our responsibility
                                                 to carefully manage our water resources. Over the course of the year, we
                                                 installed water-efficient cisterns in our new rest rooms, thus, reducing wa-
                                                 ter wastage. Throughout the Bank, we aim to halve our water usage in the
                                                 coming years; as such, we are looking to install more of the water-efficient
                                                 cisterns in more of our branch offices nationwide.
                Goal 13:         Take urgent action  Sustainable Environmental Management forms part of Access Bank’s strat-
                Climate Action   to combat climate   egy and business model. Hence, we are committed to a clean environment
                                 change and its   and the fight against climate change. This commitment is reflected in
                                 impacts.        certain aspects of our business process, such as analysis of the social and
                                                 environmental risks of our financing activities, and measurement of our
                                                 environmental footprint.

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  63
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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