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               Our eNterPrISe-WIDe rISK MaNageMeNt
               reMaINS CuStOM-MaDe                            Risk strategies and policies are set by the Board of Direc-
                                                              tors of Access Bank. These policies, which define accept-
               Helping our stakeholders achieve their ambitions lies at the   able levels of risk for day-to-day operations as well as the
               heart of our processes as we apply a bespoke risk man-  willingness of Access Bank to assume risk, weighed against
               agement framework in identifying, assessing, monitoring,   the expected rewards, are detailed in the Enterprise-Wide
               controlling and reporting the inherent and residual risks as-  Risk Management (ERM) Framework, which is a structured
               sociated with the pursuit of these ambitions and ensuring   approach to identifying opportunities, assessing the risk in-
               they are achieved the right way. We help in connecting our   herent in these opportunities and actively managing these
               customers to opportunities through our promise of speed,   risks in a cost-effective manner. Specific policies are also in
               service and security.                          place for managing risks in the different core risk areas of
                                                              credit, market, operation, liquidity, strategic, reputational
               The Bank’s overall risk tolerance is established in the con-  risks amongst others.
               text of our earning power, capital and diversified business
               model. The Bank’s organisational structure and business   The  role  of  the  Group  Chief  Risk  Officer  in  Access  Bank
               strategy is aligned with its risk management philosophy.  remains pivotal as he has the primary responsibility for
                                                              ensuring the effective implementation of the ERM Frame-
               As we navigate through new frontiers in a growth market in   work of both the Bank and its subsidiaries. The Bank’s ERM
               the ever-changing risk universe, proactive Enterprise-Wide   Framework and amendments thereto require Board ap-
               Risk Management Framework becomes even more critical.    proval, whilst the Risk Management Division is responsible
               We continue to push the frontiers of our overall risk profile   for the enforcement of the Bank’s risk policy by constantly
               through innovation for a sustainable future whilst remaining   monitoring risk, with the aim of identifying and quantifying
               responsive to the ever-changing risk universe.  significant risk exposures and acting upon such exposures
                                                              as necessary.
               Access Bank views and treats risk as an intrinsic part of
               business and maintains a disciplined approach to its man-  Risk management in Access Bank is part of our culture,
               agement of risk. Its Group Risk functions remain dynamic   and  everyone,  from  the  most  junior  officer  to  Executive
               and responsive to the needs of stakeholders as it improves   Management, is cognisant of the risk culture. Our officers
               its focus on the inter-relationships between risk types. The   approach every banking transaction with care, taking into
               Bank uses periodic reviews of risk exposure limits and risk   consideration the Bank’s acceptable risk appetite and our
               control to position itself against adverse scenarios. This is   stated risk behavior and culture.
               an invaluable tool with which the Bank predicted and suc-
               cessfully managed both the local and global recession   To some institutions, risk is viewed as a threat or uncertain-
               which continued to impact the macroeconomy. Market vol-  ty, but to us, it goes beyond that. Risk to us, presents poten-
               atility and economic uncertainty, are typically contained be-  tial opportunities to grow and develop our business within
               cause the Group regularly subjects its exposures to a range   the context of our clearly articulated and Board-driven risk
               of stress tests across a wide variety of products, currencies,   appetite. Hence, our approach to risk management is not
               portfolios and customer segments.              limited to considering downside impacts or risk avoidance;
                                                              it also encompasses taking risk knowingly for competitive
               The Bank’s risk management architecture, as designed,   advantage  backed  by  strong  market  and  macro  analytics
               continued to balance corporate oversight with well-defined   and scenario planning. Access Bank approaches risk, cap-
               risk management functions which fall into one of three   ital and value management robustly and we believe that our
               categories where risk must be managed: lines of business,   initiatives to date have positioned the Group at the leading
               governance and control, and corporate audit. The Board of   edge of risk management.
               Directors and Management of the Bank are committed to
               constantly establishing, implementing and sustaining test-  RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK
               ed practices in risk management to match those of leading   All activities and processes of Access Bank involve the
               international banks. We are convinced that the long-term   identification,  measurement,  evaluation,  acceptance  and
               sustainability of our Group depends critically on proper   management of risk or combinations of risks. The Board,
               governance and effective management of our business. As   advised by the various Board and Management Risk Com-
               such, risk management occupies a significant position of   mittees, requires and encourages a strong risk governance
               relevance and importance in the Bank.          culture which shapes the Group’s attitude to risk. We be-

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