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lieve that risk management encompasses the insights de-  ensuring overall sustainability of our business activities.
               livered by information which facilitate appropriate actions.
               Access Bank has a robust Group risk management frame-  Every business activity in our Group requires us to put cap-
               work, which gives full Group-wide coverage of a variety of   ital at risk in exchange for the prospect of earning a return.
               risks. Our annual risk cycle is designed to give management   In some activities, the level of return is quite predictable,
               relevant, up-to-date information from which trends can be   whereas in other activities the level of return can vary over
               observed  and  assessed.  The  governance  structure  sup-  a very wide spectrum, ranging from a loss to a profit. Ac-
               porting our risk cycle is designed to deliver the right infor-  cordingly, over the past year, we have expended substan-
               mation, at the right time, to the right people.   tial energy on improving our risk and capital management
                                                              framework to focus on taking risks where we:
               Here in Access  Bank, we have a holistic  view of  all major
               risks facing the Bank. We remain vigilant with regard to both   •   Understand the nature of the risks we are taking,
               known and emerging risks and ensure that we are strong      and what the range of outcomes could be under
               enough to withstand any exogenous shock. Our Board-lev-     various scenarios;
               el risk committees play a critical role in providing oversight   •   Understand the capital required in order to
               of risk management and ensuring that our risk appetite, risk       assume these risks;
               culture and risk profile are consistent with and support our   •   Understand the range of returns that we can earn
               strategy to deliver long-term sustainable success in achiev-      on the capital required to back these risks; and
               ing our strategic vision of being the World’s Most Respect-  •   Attempt to optimize the risk-adjusted rate of
               ed African Bank.                                       return we can earn, by reducing the range of
                                                                     outcomes and capital required arising from these
               Risk, by definition, is dynamic in nature. The management       risks, and increasing the certainty of earning an
               of risk, consequently, must be evolving, necessitating regu-      acceptable return.
               lar review of the effectiveness of each enterprise risk man-
               agement component. It is in the light of this that Access   Our objective of balancing risk, return and capital has led us
               Bank’s Enterprise-wide Risk Management Framework is   to substantially enhance our risk management methodolo-
               subject to continuous review to ensure effective and cut-  gies; in order to be able to identify threats, uncertainties and
               ting-edge risk management. The review is done via contin-  opportunities and in turn develop mitigation and manage-
               uous self-evaluation and monitoring by the risk manage-  ment strategies to achieve an optimal outcome.
               ment and compliance functions in conjunction with internal
               audit; and through independent evaluation by external au-  Value is added for shareholders if our process allows us to
               ditors, examiners and consultants.             demonstrate sustainable risk-adjusted returns in excess
                                                              of our cost of capital. The process provides security to our
               We  run  an  automated  and  workflow-driven  approach  to   capital providers and clients by assuring them that we are
               managing, communicating, and implementing Governance,   not taking on incremental risks which adversely affect the
               Risk Management and Compliance (GRC) policies and pro-  outcomes we have contracted to deliver to them.
               cedures across the Bank. This provides an integrated and
               flexible platform for documenting and analysing risks, de-
               veloping mitigation plans, defining controls, and managing
               ongoing risk assessments. It provides clear visibility on key   eNterPrISe-WIDe SCeNarIO aND StreSS teStINg
               risk indicators, assessment results, and compliance initia-  We use robust and appropriate scenario stress testing to
               tives with integrated reporting of self-assessments, inde-  assess the potential impact on the Group’s capital ade-
               pendent assessments, and automated controls vis-à-vis   quacy and strategic plans. Our stress testing and scenario
               set limits.                                    analysis programme is central to the monitoring of strate-
                                                              gic and potential risks. It highlights the vulnerabilities of our
               We believe that understanding and managing our risks and   business and capital plans to the adverse effect of extreme
               continuously improving our controls are central to the deliv-  but plausible events. As a part of our core risk management
               ery of our strategic objectives. The Board’s risk committees   practices, the Bank conducts enterprise-wide stress tests
               play an active role in ensuring that we undertake well-mea-  on a periodic basis to better understand earnings, capital
               sured,  profitable,  risk-taking  activities  that  support  long-  and liquidity sensitivities to certain economic scenarios,
               term sustainable growth.                       including economic conditions that are more severe than
                                                              anticipated. The outcome of the testing and analysis is also
               BALANCING RISK AND RETURN                      used to assess the potential impact of the relevant sce-
               Balancing risk and return and taking cognizance of the cap-  narios on the demand for regulatory capital compared with
               ital required demands rigorous analysis. The ultimate aim   its supply. These enterprise-wide stress tests provide an
               is to optimize the upside and minimize the downside with   understanding of the potential impacts on our risk profile,
               a view to adding value to our shareholders, and providing   capital and liquidity. It generates and considers pertinent
               security to our other capital providers and clients, as well as   and plausible scenarios that have the potential to adversely

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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