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enterprise-wide risk management deficiencies;
               Access Bank considers risk management philosophy and   •   Adopt a holistic and integrated approach to risk
               culture as the set of shared beliefs, values, attitudes and      management and bring all risks together under
               practices that characterize how the Bank considers risk in       one or a limited number of oversight functions;
               everything it does, from strategy development and imple-  •   Empower risk officers to perform their duties
               mentation  to its day-to-day activities. In this regard, the      professionally and independently without undue
               Bank’s risk management philosophy is that a moderate and       interference;
               guarded risk attitude ensures sustainable growth in share-  •   Ensure a clearly defined risk management
               holder value and reputation.                          governance structure;
                                                              •      Ensure clear segregation of duties between
               The Bank believes that enterprise risk management      market facing business units and risk
               provides superior capabilities to identify and assess the full      management/control functions;
               spectrum of risks and enables staff at all levels to better un-  •   Strive to maintain a conservative balance
               derstand and manage risks. This will ensure that:     between risk and profit considerations; and
                                                              •      Continue to demonstrate appropriate standards
               •      Risk acceptance is done in a responsible manner;     of behaviour in the development of strategy and
               •      The Executives and the Board of the Bank have      pursuit of objectives.
                      adequate risk management support;
               •      Uncertain outcomes are better anticipated;  b)    Risk officers partner with other stakeholders
               •      Accountability is strengthened; and            within and outside the Bank and are guided in
               •      Stewardship is enhanced.                        the exercise of their powers by a deep sense of
                                                                     responsibility, professionalism and respect for
               The Bank identifies the following attributes as guiding prin-      other parties.
               ciples for its risk culture.
                                                              c)     The Bank partners with its customers to
               a)     Management and staff:                          improve their attitude to risk management and
               •      Consider all forms of risk in decision-making;     encourage them to build corporate governance
               •      Create and evaluate business-unit and Bankwide     culture into their business management
                       risk profile to consider what is best for their
                      individual business units/department and what is   d)    Risk management is governed by well-defined
                      best for the Bank as a whole;                  policies, which are clearly communicated across
               •      Adopt a portfolio view of risk in addition to      the Bank.
                      understanding individual risk elements;
               •      Retain ownership and accountability for risk and  e)    Equal attention is paid to both quantifiable and
                       risk management at the business unit or other     non-quantifiable risks.
                       points of influence level;
               •      Accept that enterprise-wide risk management is   f)    The Bank avoids products and businesses it does
                      mandatory, not optional;                       not understand.
               •      Strive to achieve best practices in enterprise-wide
                      risk management;
               •      Document and report all significant risks and

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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