P. 79

                                                              k)     Review and approve changes/amendments to
               The Board of Directors’ role as it relates to risk manage-      the risk management framework;
               ment, credit, market, compliance, operational, reputational
               and strategic risks.                           l)     Review and approve risk management
                                                                     procedures and control for new products and
               Specific roles in these areas are further defined below:                  activities; and

               GENERAL                                        m)     Periodically receive risk reports from
                                                                     management highlighting key risk areas, control
               a)     Develop a formal enterprise-wide risk manage-     failures and remedial actions taken by
                      ment framework;                                management.

               b)     Review and approve the establishment of a risk
                      management function that would independently   CREDIT RISK
                      identify, measure, monitor and control risks
                      inherent in all risk-taking units of the Bank;  a)    Approve the Bank’s overall risk tolerance in
                                                                     relation to credit risk based on the
               c)     Ratify the appointment of qualified officers to                  recommendation of the Chief Risk Officer;
                      manage the risk management function;
                                                              b)     Ensure that the Bank’s overall credit risk
               d)     Approve and periodically review the Bank’s risk     exposure is maintained at prudent levels and
                       strategy and policies;                        consistent with the available capital through
                                                                      quarterly review of various types of credit
               e)     Approve the Bank’s risk appetite and monitor the  exposures;
                       Bank’s risk profile against this appetite;
                                                              c)     Ensure that top management as well as
               f)     Ensure that the management of the Bank has an       individuals responsible for credit risk
                      effective ongoing process to identify risk,      management possess the requisite expertise
                      measure its potential impact and proactively      and knowledge to accomplish the risk
                       manage these risks;                           management function;

               g)     Ensure that the Bank maintains a sound system     d)    Ensure that the Bank implements a sound
                      of risk management and internal                methodology that facilitates the identification,
                      control with respect to:                        measurement, monitoring and control of credit
                      •       Efficiency and effectiveness of
                              operations                      e)     Put in place effective internal policies, systems
                      •       Safeguarding of the Bank’s assets       and controls to identify, measure monitor, and
                              (including information)                control credit risk concentrations.
                      •       Compliance with applicable laws,
                              regulations and supervisory         f)    Ensure that detailed policies and procedures for
                              requirements                           credit risk exposure creation, management
                      •       Reliability of reporting                        and recovery are in place; and
                      •       Behaving responsibly towards all
                              stakeholders                    g)     Appoint credit officers and delegate approval
                                                                     authorities to individuals and committees.
               h)     Ensure that a systematic, documented assess-
                      ment of the processes and outcomes
                               surrounding key risks is undertaken at least   MARKET RISK
                                                              a)     Define the Bank’s overall risk appetite in relation
               i)     Ensure that management maintains an             to market risk;
                      appropriate system of internal control and review
                      its effectiveness;                      b)     Ensure that the Bank’s overall market risk
                                                                     exposure is maintained at levels consistent
               j)     Ensure risk strategy reflects the Bank’s tolerance                  with the available capital;
                       for risk;

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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