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The Bank defines its risk appetite in terms of volatility of   •   Capital risk
               earnings and the maintenance of minimum regulatory cap-
               ital requirements under stress scenarios. Our risk appetite   These risks and the framework for their management are
               can be expressed in terms of how much variability of return   detailed in the enterprise-wide risk management frame-
               the Bank is prepared to accept in order to achieve a desired   work.
               level of result. It is determined by considering the relation-
               ship between risk and return. We measure and express risk   RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS
               appetite qualitatively and in terms of quantitative risk met-
               rics.  The  quantitative  metrics  include  earnings  at  risk  (or   The responsibilities of the Risk Management Division, the
               earnings volatility), liquidity and economic capital adequacy.   Financial Control and Strategy Group, and other key stake-
               In addition, a large variety of risk limits, triggers, ratios, man-  holders with respect to risk management are highlighted
               dates, targets and guidelines are in place for all the financial   below:
               risks (e.g. credit, market, asset and liability management
               risks).                                        RISK MANAGEMENT DIVISION

               The Bank’s risk profile is assessed through a ‘bottom-up’   a)    Champion the implementation of the ERM
               analytical approach covering all the Group’s major busi-      Framework across the Bank and its subsidiaries.
               nesses and products. The risk appetite is approved by the
               Board and forms the basis for establishing the risk param-  b)   Periodically receive risk reports from
               eters within which the businesses must operate, including      management highlighting key risk areas, control
               policies, concentration limits and business mix.       failures and remedial action steps taken by
               In line with our standard practice, the risk appetite metrics
               are tracked against approved triggers while exceptions   c)    Develop risk policies, principles, processes and
               are  reported  to  management  for  prompt  corrective ac-     reporting standards that define the Bank’s risk
               tions.  Key issues are escalated to the Enterprise-wide Risk      strategy and appetite in line with the Bank’s
               Management committee and the Board Risk Management      overall business objectives.
                                                              d)     Ensure that controls, skills and systems are in
               RISK MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES                            place to enable compliance with the Bank’s
                                                                     policies and standards.
               The broad risk management objectives of the Bank are:
               •      To identify and manage existing and new risks in a  e)    Facilitate the identification, measurement,
                       planned and coordinated manner with minimum     assessment, monitoring and control of the level
                       disruption and cost;                          of risks in the Bank.
               •      To protect against unforeseen losses and ensure
                       stability of earnings;                 f)     Embed risk culture in the Bank to ensure that
               •      To maximize earnings potential and             everyone takes into consideration the  Bank’s risk
                      opportunities;                                 appetite in whatever they do.
               •      To maximize share price and stakeholder
                      protection;                             g)     Collect, process, verify, monitor and distribute risk
               •      To enhance credit ratings, depositor, analyst,      information across the Bank and other material
                       investor and regulator perception; and        risk issues to senior management, the Board and
               •      To develop a risk culture that encourages all staff      regulators.
                       to identify risks and associated opportunities as
                      well as to respond to them with cost effective      h)    Monitor compliance with bank-wide risk policies
                      actions.                                        and limits.

               SCOPE OF RISKS                                 i)     Empower Business unit risk champions to identi-
                                                                     fy, monitor and report on the effectiveness of risk
               The scope of risks that are directly managed by the Bank is   mitigation plans in reducing risk incidence as relat-
               as follows:                                           ed to day to day activities in the unit.
               •      Credit risk
               •      Operational risk                        j)     Ensure that laws, regulations and supervisory
               •      Market and liquidity risk                      requirements are complied with including
               •      Legal and compliance risk                      consequence management.
               •      Strategic risk
               •      Reputational risk                       j)     Champion the implementation of Basel II and III.

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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