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applicable to its business. The Conduct and Compliance   effective standards globally, including a globally consistent
               function, including all staff of Access Bank Plc and its sub-  approach to knowing our customers.
               sidiaries are committed to high standards of integrity and
               fair dealing in the conduct of business. The Bank’s com-  With respect to Compliance Risk, the Bank’s appetite for
               pliance risk management philosophy is deepened by the   Compliance Risk continues to be defined as follows; Zero
               effective  convergence  of  risk  management  through  the   tolerance for payment of fines and other penalties associ-
               ‘Three Lines of Defense’ model.                ated with regulatory infractions and non-compliance with
                                                              laws, standards and rules. The primary compliance objec-
               Effective Compliance Risk Management in Access Bank and   tive is to be among the top three (3) most compliant banks
               its subsidiaries will continuously be coordinated in the fol-  in all the jurisdictions we have our business operations. The
               lowing manner:                                 Bank shall continuously aim to minimize the following com-
                                                              pliance risk indicators:
               •      Where a business unit is subject to regulatory
                      requirements, it will comply with those   •    Reported exceptions by auditors, regulators and
                      requirements. The business unit will further      external rating agencies;
                       establish and maintain systems of internal   •   Frequent litigations;
                      control to monitor and report the extent of   •   Payment of fines and other regulatory penalties;
                      compliance with those requirements with the      and
                       support of the Conduct & Compliance function.  •   Unresolved customer complaints.

               •      In the absence of regulatory requirements for all  The Bank shall not compromise its reputation through un-
                       or part of a business unit, certain minimum   ethical, illegal and unprofessional conduct in the market
                      standards of conduct is established and  place. The Bank shall also maintain a zero appetite for asso-
                       maintained by that business unit to the extent   ciation with disreputable persons and/or entities.
                      required as determined by the management of
                       that business unit.                    Our aNtI-MONey LauNDerINg PrOgraMMe

               Accountability for ensuring compliance with regulatory re-  Access Bank Plc has a Board approved AML/CFT pro-
               quirements and minimum standards rests with the Group   gramme. This is contained in the Bank’s Compliance Man-
               Managing Director and the Board of Access Bank Group,   ual which is reviewed and updated on an annual basis. Our
               while the enforcement thereof is the responsibility of the   Compliance Manual contains the policies approved by the
               respective Group Heads (1st line of defense).  Board. Some of these are the Politically Exposed Persons
                                                              (PEP) Policy; Compliance Risk Management Policy, Compli-
               To assist in the discharge of this obligation, Access Bank Plc   ance Charter etc.
               maintains an independent Conduct & Compliance Function.
               The Conduct & Compliance function develops systems of   Board members and all levels of staff are trained at least
               control that are required to ensure there is adequate pro-  once every financial year on Anti-Money Laundering Com-
               tection of the Bank, empowers the first line of defence and   bating Financing of Terrorism Know your Customer and An-
               ensures timely reporting of breaches and other regulatory   ti-Bribery and Corruption (‘AML/CFT/KYC’) as stated in the
               non-compliances to the Board and Executive Management   Bank’s policy. New employees also undergo the same train-
               of the Access Bank Group.                      ing as an induction course. The Bank organizes and ensures
                                                              that  staff  attend  webinars,  conferences,  workshops  and
               For independent assurance, the Conduct & Compliance   trainings as part of its bankwide awareness program. Tests
               function together with other Risk Management functions   are conducted during such trainings to ensure employees
               and the Group Internal Audit to ensure that the necessary   understand the content and scope of the trainings.
               synergies are achieved in the management of the Bank’s
               compliance risk.                               All Access Bank staff sign the Annual Compliance Attesta-
                                                              tion message to affirm that they have read and understood
               OUR COMPLIANCE RISK APPETITE                   the policies and procedures of the Bank relating to ethics,
                                                              code of conduct, AML/CFT, Anti-Bribery and Corruption
               Access Bank Plc aims to be compliant  with all applicable   etc.
               laws and regulations, internal company rules and policies
               governing  its  operations  and  established  good  business   The Bank has designated a Non-Executive Director who is
               practices. Access Bank Plc ensures that this requirement is   responsible for the Access Bank Plc Anti Money Laundering
               embedded in the culture of its business operations.  / Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) program.
               Enhanced global AML and sanctions policies, incorporating   With  the  Executive  Compliance  Officer  and  escalation
               the Bank’s risk appetite, are effectively in use in the Bank.   protocol for compliance risk in place, the Enterprise-wide
               The policies adopt and seek to enforce the highest or most   Risk Management Committee (ERMC) and the Board via

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