P. 86

ment of mitigation, recovery and business continuity plans;   The Incident Response Protocol consists of five key com-
               the processes for plan implementation, including training   ponents: Incident Detection and Preliminary Assessment,
               and awareness. Finally, the plan is continually reviewed for   Activation of the Incident Management Team, Evaluation
               improvements.                                  and Containment of disaster impact, Invocation of Recov-
                                                              ery Plan/ Corrective Measures, Tracking recovery progress
                                                              and status of incident.


               In Access Bank, we define Strategic Risk as the process for   The strategic risk management function supports the
               identifying, assessing and managing risks and uncertain-  Board and senior management in managing strategic risks
               ties, affected by internal and external events or scenarios   and other related processes in the Bank.
               that could inhibit the Bank’s ability to achieve its strategy
               and strategic objectives with the ultimate goal of creating   Access Bank, in compliance with the Basel II principles, uses
               and protecting shareholder  and stakeholder  value. It  is a   Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process in assess-
               primary component and necessary foundation of our En-  ing its Strategic Risk. To this end, it sees Strategic Risk as
               terprise Risk Management.                      material risk that could result when the Bank fails to meet its
                                                              performance targets or lacks sufficient cashflow to main-
               Strategic  risk  management,  therefore,  is  defined  as  cur-  tain its operations that may result in a negative impact on
               rent or prospective risk to earnings and capital arising from   the Bank’s operating result and financial condition.
               adverse  business  decisions,  improper  implementation  of
               decisions or lack of responsiveness to changes in the busi-  This strategic risk could stem from adverse global econo-
               ness environment. It can also be defined as the risk asso-  my, regulatory actions, improper analysis that can impact
               ciated with future business plans and strategies, including   the implementation of decisions, lack of responsiveness to
               plans for entering new business lines, expanding existing   industry changes, inability to respond promptly to business
               services through mergers and acquisitions, and enhancing   opportunities, ineffective change management and com-
               infrastructure.                                munication process as well as the nature and activities of
               A well-defined structure for managing strategic risk exists
               in Access Bank. It provides a process for the Bank to identify   Based on the foregoing, the Bank estimates a capital charge
               and assess potential risks posed by its strategic plan, and   figure in relationship to its actual gross earnings to cover its
               consider whether they have adequate capacity to with-  strategic risk exposure, in line with its tolerance level.
               stand the risks. Strategic risk management involves vari-
               ous organizational functions within the Bank. The following   The measures and controls it has put in place include the
               principles govern the Bank’s strategic risk management:  following:

               The Board and Senior Management are responsible for   Strategic plans are approved and monitored by the Board.
               Strategic  Risk  Management  and  oversee  the  effective   Regular environmental scan, business strategy sessions
               functioning of the strategic risk management framework;   and workshops are set up to discuss business decisions,
               The  functional  units  (i.e.  the  units  which  carry  out  busi-  close monitoring to ensure that strategic plans are prop-
               ness or operational functions) assists the Board and Senior   erly aligned with the business model, regular performance
               management in formulating and implementing strategies,   review by Executive Management and business plans are
               providing input to the strategic planning and management   approved by the Board. The Bank also maintains a well-de-
               processes; and as well as implementing the strategic risk   fined succession plan, proper monitoring and well defined
               management framework.                          structures to align its activities to international best prac-

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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