P. 91

IMPORTANCE OF CAPITAL MANAGEMENT               However, this amount is recoverable from insurance.

               Capital is managed as a Board level priority in the Group   Access Bank has put measures in place to ensure that in-
               which  reflects  the  importance  of  capital  planning.  The   cidence of fraud is reduced to the barest minimum. These
               Board is responsible for assessing and approving the   include:
               Group’s capital management policy, capital target levels
               and capital strategy.
                                                              ·         More focus on cybercrime intelligence and prevention
               A capital management framework provides effective cap-
               ital planning, capital issuance, Basel II alignment, EC utili-  ·         Proactive monitoring by Anti- Fraud Unit
               sation  and  Economic  Profit  (EP)  performance  measure-
               ment criteria. The above diagram illustrates the process   ·         Zero tolerance for staff fraud. Dismissal and
               the Group follows to ensure end-to-end integration of the             prosecution of any staff involved in fraud.
               Group’s strategy, risk management and financial process-
               es into the capital management process. The purpose is to   ·         Training and awareness on fraud risk issues
               ensure that capital consumption in the business divisions
               has an impact on performance measurement, which in turn   ·         Customer awareness through emails, SMS and ATMs.
               translates into management performance assessment and
               product pricing requirements and achievement of the over-  ·         Background checks on staff
               all strategy within risk appetite.
                                                              ·         Collaboration with other industry operators to
                                                                        frustrate fraud attempts.
               During the year under review, the Bank recorded 2,206   See note 4 for Credit Risk, Market Risk and Liquidity Risk Man-
               fraud cases. Out of which 2,177 fraud cases (98%) relate to   agement Framework.
               Cards/E-Channels/USSD frauds. These led to a total fraud
               loss of N86.94million. Also, there were 3 cases of success-
               ful robbery incidents which led to a loss of N11.19milion.

                                                                                            Access BAnk Plc  91
                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96