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               Capital risk is the risk that the Bank’s total capital base is not    •   to maintain an investment grade credit rating; and
               properly managed in a prudent manner.           •     to achieve a return above the cost of equity.

               The Group has a number of capital management objec-
               tives:                                         CAPITAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGY:

                •     to meet the capital ratios required by its   The Group’s capital management strategy is focused on
                      regulators and the Group’s Board;       maximizing shareholder value by optimizing the level and
                •     to maintain an adequate level of available capital   mix of capital resources. Decisions on the allocation of cap-
                      resources as cover for the economic capital (EC)   ital resources are based on a number of factors including
                      requirements calculated at a 99.95% confidence    returns on Economic Capital (EC) and on Regulatory Capital
                      level;                                  (RC), and are part of the Internal Capital Adequacy Assess-
                •     to generate sufficient capital to support asset  ment Process (ICAAP).

                                     Capital Management Process

                                                      Annual Forecast

                                                     Medium Term Plans

                         Capital transactions                             Regulatory capital

                         •   Retained profit                              •   Calculation of Pillar 1 capi-
                                                                             tal requirements
                         •   Assess capital supply                        •   Review and challenge of
                            alternatives given market                        Pillar 1 requirements for
                            demand                                        •   Economic capital
                                                                             Review and challenge
                            Equity and other capital
                    Capital supply  •   transactions issuance,            •   business units’ demand for   Capital demand
                                                                             economic capital
                            including refinancing of ex-
                            isting capital transactions
                                                                             Calculation of Group eco-
                                                                             nomic capital
                            Securitisation transactions
                                                        Stress and
                         •   Share buybacks/dividends  scenario testing         -  Assess adequacy of
                                                                                 Pillar 1 risks
                         •   Dividends from subsidiar-                          -  Calculate additional
                            ies composition                                      risks
                         Stress capital supply given                      Stressed capital requirement
                          market stressed capital re-
                         quirement demand and profit
                         and loss

           90 Access BAnk Plc
              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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