Page 7 - Vol 11 Winter 2023 Newsletter_Neat
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Working Online | Professional Connections

                 The following images represent popular podcasts on a variety of topics
                 and fields. A link is embedded in each image so you can click on the pod-
                 cast image and hear for yourself!

       Click on
       the pic!

        Click on
       the pics!

                     Every teacher probably knows about Arkansas Ideas. This is just a friendly re-

                     minder that the professional development on this site is geared toward Arkansas
                     teachers. You can now link your account to in Learning and add micro-credentials
                     in a variety of skill areas. Check out Classroom Resources for 90 teaching videos

                     through ‘Rise & Shine’, share segments of ‘Combating the Opioid Crises’ in a

                     health class, share ‘The Story of Women’s Suffrage’ and learn about our state’s
                     music in ‘Music in Arkansas’. Teachers can also complete the Arkansas History
                     Program of Study in lieu of the 3 hour college course. There is also a link to PBS

                     Learning Media.

                                                   AGATE: Association of Gifted and Talented Education
        Click on                                   This is an Arkansas organization of educators focused
        the pic!                                   on the education of gifted and talented students. How-

                                                   ever, this organization and its yearly conference is dedi-
                                                   cated to stretching student thinking. Individual member-

                        Feb. 22nd-24th, 2023!      ship is just $30 per year.

        Click on
        the pic!         This organization has been listed in the literacy news before but it
                         is worth a repeat. Online membership to ILA is $44 which gives you
                         discounts to webinars and access to online resources.
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