P. 7

“Leadership is about
            According  to  Peter  Northouse  (2010),  transformation” – Joseph Rost

                                                               transformation, all kinds of

                                                                 Century  Leadership  is  a  perspective  that  is
            “Leadership is a process where by an individual
            influence  a  group  of  individuals  to  achieve  a   intended to respond to the unique challenges

            common goal” (p.3). Therefore, it is a process       and opportunities of today’s world. Reflective
                                                                 of  an  expanded  paradigm  of  leadership,  it
            which  involve  many  actions  and  feedbacks

            negative  and positive.    It  is about  developing   draws  upon  and  integrates  theories  and
                                                                 practices from a wide range of disciplines and
            people  and  helping  them  to  reach  their  full
            potential. It's about equipping others with the      traditions  to  foster  practical  knowledge  and

            right tools and strategies not only to maximize      transformative change in service of the world.
            the  success  of  an  organization  but  also  their
                                                                 In  an  ever-changing  world  with  a  diverse
            lives as well. An understanding and practice of      humanity,  21st  century  leader  being  well

            leadership responsive to this world is needed        prepared to accomplished their goals, will not
            given today’s highly interdependent world, full      leave room for errors or sudden changes.

            of enormous complexity, accelerating change,
            and  unforeseen  and  unprecedented  events.

            Definition  of  21st  century  leadership  is  the

            ability of a leader to create an exact vision of
            what they want to achieve, same way believes
            that  they  will  succeed,  and  then  create  the

            steps in achieving this goal (Latchem and Hanna

            2001,  p.  53).  Furthermore,  21st  century
            leadership also indicates that the leader should              By:

            posses the ability to motivate and inspire the    Donita Rose Y. Rodriguez
            followers to think beyond the given attributes

            in  achieving  what  is  necessary,  desirable  and

            possible (Latchem and Hanna 2001, p. 53).
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