Page 14 - The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
P. 14

The Messiah: Beyond a Shadow of Doubt

                        Most  importantly,  Israel  was  the  chosen  vehicle  through  which  God  would  send  His
                 Messiah into the world.  From the stories of the Bible, we learn of His plan to redeem mankind
                 through  His  Messiah,  who  will  one  day  take  center  stage  in  the  cosmic  performance  and
                 welcome His children into the ultimate paradise to enjoy the provisions and security of the only
                 true Sovereign.  Theater Israel is God’s forum for revealing Himself to the world, to all mankind.

                 Our Direction

                        This book explores two primary subjects: The Messiah and The Appointed Times.  You
                 may be familiar with the concept of the Messiah, but to sharpen your understanding, we devote
                 an  entire  chapter  to  clarify  its  meaning  in  the  Scriptures.    As  we  explore  the  concept  of  the
                 Messiah, it is essential that we understand the reason He had to die.  Why did He have to die?  It
                 is an excellent question that deserves a thoughtful, clear answer.

                        We will spend the remainder of our time together exploring the Appointed Times.  It is
                 strange that very few Christians have heard of the Appointed Times, since they are not a secret
                 in the Bible.  They are situated in the heart of the Law of Moses in the 23rd chapter of Leviticus,
                 which is somewhat uncharted territory for many.  You may be tempted to close this book at
                 the mention of Leviticus, asking what book of the Bible could be drier and less relevant to New
                 Testament believers?  But I assure you, the Lord’s Appointed Times reveal secrets and explain
                 mysteries about the Messiah that are fresh and alive and able to breathe new life into your faith.
                        Furthermore,  the  Appointed  Times  explain  the  origin  and  meaning  of  important
                 scriptural terms that are somewhat vague to many people.  Terms such as Passover, The Feast
                 of Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, The Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, and
                 the Feast of Booths.  Understanding these holy days will enhance your overall understanding of
                 God’s Word and help you construct a comprehensive picture of His Messiah.

                 The Intersection

                        We can certainly study about the Messiah and the Appointed Times independently of
                 each other, but it is in the intersection of these two subjects that special truths come to light
                 that reveal connecting threads within the Scriptures.  The Appointed Times are like luminous
                 fibers in a tapestry that highlight the most important themes of God’s Word and lead us to the
                 Messiah.  Through this study, you will see connections between themes in the Bible that are
                 otherwise not obvious, thus deepening your overall understanding.

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