Page 15 - The Messiah Beyond a Shadow of Doubt
P. 15


                        There  is  a  third  area  that  adds  light  to  our  study  of  the  Messiah  and  the  Appointed
                 Times, which is tracking time in Israel.  As the name suggests, timing is an integral part of the
                 Appointed  Times,  so  it  follows  that  we  should  seek  to  understand  how  the  ancient  Israelites
                 tracked time.  A study of the ancient Jewish calendar provides valuable keys that give insight into
                 the meaning of the Appointed Times, especially in their messianic significance.  This knowledge
                 can also add color and accuracy as we interpret other stories of the Bible, making it a useful tool
                 for every student of the Word.

                 Beyond Magnificent

                        The  message  of  the  Appointed  Times  is  the  message  of  the  Lord.    Through  these
                 ceremonies, He has intimated truths that are important to Him, and they should be of supreme
                 importance to each of us.  The concept of the Messiah is beyond magnificent, yet my words are
                 wholly inadequate to convey this message with the grandeur that it deserves.  I pray that the
                 Spirit of Christ will move in your heart to consider this message so that you will know the hope
                 of His calling and the riches of the glory of His inheritance for those who believe.

                 Four Goals

                 This book has four underlying goals:
                 The First is to demonstrate, beyond a shadow of doubt, that Jesus is truly the Messiah.

                 The Second is to show how God’s desire and plan for saving mankind was orchestrated from the
                 very beginning of time—His Messiah and salvation were not simply a bandage that was applied
                 after the fall of man.
                 The Third is to fortify believers in their faith in Jesus.  As we study the Messiah in the Appointed
                 Times,  believers’  confidence  and  trust  in  God’s  Word  and  in  Jesus  as  the  Messiah  will  be
                 The Fourth is to give hope, not simply in the forgiveness of the Messiah, but that we will one day
                 be liberated from the futility of living mortal lives in a world that is laced with grief.  For we will,
                 one day, be raised from the dead to live forever as immortals in paradise, at peace with God—a
                 hope like no other—a hope that can sustain believers in their darkest hours in this life.

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