Page 12 - 2011 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 12

New !! "Boating & Outdoor Festival" Debuts at Metro Beach Metropark

     Summers on Lake St. Clair are filled   features boats on shore and in the water,        Whether you arrive by boat or by car it
with fun things to do and great places      all types of personal watercraft, boating     can be a fun-filled day or weekend for you
to boat – and now there is another great    equipment & supplies, nautical gifts, jew-    and your family or friends.
option to add to the list. The 1st Annual   elry, & apparel, as well as other outdoor
                                            recreation exhibits catering to the millions       Hours: Thurs-Fri: Noon-8 p.m.
                   Boating & Outdoor Fes-   of outdoor minded individuals in Michi-                 Saturday: 11am–8 p.m.
                   tival held in September  gan and surrounding states.                              Sunday: 11am–6 p.m.
                   2010 entertained more
                   than 9,000 boaters and       Special new features at this event in-    Admission: Adults $9 and kids 12 and
                   outdoor enthusiasts and  clude Live Music, Tiki Bars, Taste Fest       under free with an adult. For more infor-
                   is scheduled to return   Food Vendors, Artist Market, Fishing Vil-     mation and details on special attractions
                   September 22 – 25,       lage, Kids Activities, and Pet Adoptions...   go to or
                   2011 to Metro Beach      making this a must attend event on the        call: 800.932.2628.
                   Metropark in Harrison    water!
                   Township.                                                                  The Metropark offers discounted slip
                                               Other outdoor recreation equipment         rental in September for those arriving by
                       This “all new” show  featured include ATVs, motorcycles, and       boat. General information can be found at
                                            products geared toward camping, picnick-
                                            ing, hiking, biking, golf, etc.	
                                                                                                      Check it Out!
                                               The Festival is owned and
                                            produced by Michigan Boat-                    Sponge Bob!
                                            ing Industries Association, a
                                            non-profit marine trade associ-
                                            ation with more than 52 years
                                            of quality boat show produc-
                                            tion experience and the voice
                                            of boating in Michigan.

Great places to swim (or eat), people watch,                                              Don't tempt fate!

and hang out with other boaters
                                                                                                              Now is a great time to buy a new used
Strawberry Island, W. of the Middle Channel Entrance 42 36.20/82 43.75 boat. However, you upset the gods of the
Northern Anchor Bay, Peninsula leading into Bouvier Bay 42 40.19/82 39.44 water if you rename it.

                                                                                          To avoid a nautical disaster, you must

                                                                                          perform a "denaming" ceremony. If you

Southern Anchor Bay, in front of MacRay Harbor 42 36.64/82 47.75 don't have your own ceremony, John Vig-

Northern Anchor Bay, Outside the Baltimore Hwy. 42 37.956/82 40.733 or, a celebrated nautical writer, suggests
Bouvier Bay “Munchies Bay”, North of the N. Channel Entrance 42 39.47/82 37.52 you perform the following to release your
Lake St. Clair Sandbar, SW of Mid. Chan.Mouth - 42 33.167/82 43.088 old boat from any previous bad luck! Once
                                                                                          you've concluded the your
Metro Beach, Back Bay free to Anchor 42 33.55 / 82 47.43                                  bottle of champagne, spray some on the
Big Muscamoot Bay, West of Gull Island See map page 4                                     bow, then drink the rest!

                                                                                          “In the name of all who have
                                                                                          sailed aboard this ship in the
                                                                                          past, and in the name of all who
                                                                                          may sail aboard her in the fu-
                                                                                          ture, we invoke the ancient gods
                                                                                          of the wind and the sea to favor
                                                                                          us with their blessing today.
                                                                                          Continued at right.....

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