Page 15 - 2011 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
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More than 3 million waterfowl During a 25 year study, the number ity of Canvasback breed in the prai-
are estimated to migrate thru of Canvasbacks counted during the rie lands of southern Canada, but the
the Great Lakes area annually! Michigan survey ranged from 125 in breeding range extends to Alaska. Dur-
ing the winter, Canvasback that travel
In early winter, I witnessed what 1974 to a record high 79,300 in 1999. our way can be found along the mid-At-
looked like many islands in Anchor can dive as deep as 30 feet for aquatic lantic states and the lower Mississippi
Bay when I realized it was thousands of plants, although they probably like our Valley. By mid-April, migrating Can-
ducks. In 2002, lake since they only have to duck under vasbacks will be moving north again to
D e p a r t m e n t a few feet for our dense beds of vegeta- their breeding grounds. This is about
of Natural Re- tion. the same schedule our Michigan Snow-
sources Biolo- Of all ducks in North America, the birds migrate to and from Florida.
gists witnessed a Canvasback is one of the least abundant.
raft of Canvas- The small population size is linked to
back ducks nine miles long on the Ca- trends of poor breeding success, which
are related to lack of food. The diet and Marinas around our Lake and
nadian side of Lake St. Clair.
According to the U.S. Environmental foraging method of Canvasbacks make Rivers have plenty to do for
Protection Agen- them extremely reliant on the health
cy, 93% of Can- of stable ponds the weekends. Stay on the
vasback ducks and marsh- Detroit River and go to a
which migrate es. During a Tiger's game, visit an Island
through the Great drought or after and relax, take the kids to a
Lakes Region a habitat dis- beach or a pool, go golfing,
stop off at Lake turbance, Can-
vasback will visit an area with lots of night
St. Clair. Can-
vasbacks require delay breeding life....check out the transient
large amounts of or fail to breed marinas from page 46-50 and
food to fuel their altogether.
migration. They The major- take your boat on a vacation!
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