Page 20 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 20
no party too big or too small on lake st. clair
... except when you have those uninvited guests late summer
Lots of us have been stung over There are some
the years by these pesky late summer drone males and
bees, including me while on Harsen’s up to 50 queens by late summer when
Island and a double sting in the arm we see the most bees around the lake.
by one bee while at Put-In-Bay last During the summer these bees are
season. If you are alergic, please GOOD and eat other insects we don’t
be prepared with your
emergency antihista- BEE SEASON - Several contraptions are
mines late summer on being tried each August when the bartend-
& around the water. ers battle
We’ve seen many the bees
contraptions to keep
us safe including dry- who like to
er sheets and herbs, bee there as
large bottles filled 1/2 much as us.
way with the sweet
pop they love, fly swat- Kyle exper-
ters, and electric zap- iments with
pers .... but what are auto rubber
you gonna do - they band gun at
are such a nuisance Brown’s.
we have to keep try-
Best way to han-
dle this? KILL THEM
if you can keep up, or accept this is
part of nature. Yellow jackets are
responsible for the most stings in like including flys and
the U.S so be prepared in advance spiders. But late sum-
to be stung and carry a few simple mer the workers switch to searching
items on the boat listed later. for sources of sugar to fatten up the
I researched a bit more and found queens for winter.
a single nest can have 2000-4000 Because they have
“worker” yellow jackets less young to feed at
which are all female and the home nest, they
are the ones that sting. have more time and
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