Page 21 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 21


                                                                                     Non-Ethanol & Premium
                                                                                  EASY              BRAND NEW
             OWNERS!                                                            DOCKAGE             FUEL PUMPS
              STOP BY &
               SAY Hi!

                            Featuring Michigan     WE HAVE RENTALS!
                                  Wines &
                             Local Souveniers
                                                              FISHING BOATS • PONTOONS
                                                      PADDLE BOARDS • KAYAKS • CANOES
                                                        VISIT OUR            MULTIDAY DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE
                                                      WEBSITE FOR                CALL FOR  RESERVATIONS
                                                         RATES &
             Phone:  810-748-3400                    For latest specials  One mile
                                                                                                            south of
               7858 Middle Channel Drive   Harsens Island, MI  48028                                        Brown’s

        that is why they seem to be aimlessly flying  2.  Carry some meat tenderizer in your  / leave on for 15-20 minutes (don’t use
        everywhere!                          beach bag!  I read several reports where  near your eyes).   A baking soda paste is
             For most people, a sting won’t cause  bromelain  from  pineapples  or  papain  an alternative - I tried this and seemed
        more  than  some  pain  for  a  few  hours,  from Payaya’s found in Meat Tenderizer  to ease the initial pain a bit.
        swelling, and redness around the sting:  break down the venom and help reduce  3.    Elevate  the  area  to  help  reduce

        1.  If you’re on a boat or eatery, you’ll have        the pain & swelling.  swelling  (this  was  hard  for  me  after
        ice to help reduce the pain.  Wrap up in a            Make  a  paste  and  getting stung when I sat on one on the
        cloth to not freeze your skin for 20 minutes.         cover the bite area  boat ugh).  Continued Page 22

              Darlene                                                 MIDDLE CHANNEL            New owner Dennis
              from W.                                                                            is an avid sailor
              Virginia                                                MARINA HAS NEW
                                                                        Over the winter, Dennis
                                                                   Schmalzel and Russ Rein-
                                                                   hardt,  both  life  long  Lake
                                                                   St.  Clair  boaters  (sailor  &   and fishing boats.
                                                                   power boater respectively)             The  Middle  Channel
                                                                   partnered to take over the   has  easy  access  to  Mus-
                                                                   marina.                   camoot  Bay.    There  is
                                                                        Russ will be living at the   access directly from Mus-
                                                                   house  at  the  marina  run-  camoot Bay by the Canoe
                                                                   ning day-to-day operations.  Hwy. for boats/pwc’s draw-
                                                                        Lots of plans!  Previous   ing less than 3 feet.  Small
                                                                   owners Fred & Jackie did   boats  &  jet  skis  can  also
                                                                   a  wonderful  job  modern-  come under the bridge on
                                                                   izing the property & store,   the other side of the prop-
                                                                   and more will be coming.    erty. You may also use the
                                                                   Better  signage,  improved   Wide Cut Hwy. - no bridg-
                                                                   docks  for  transient  boat-  es - see page. 91.
                                                                   ers,  adding  more  conve-       Dennis is open to sug-
                                                                   nience  store  items,  along   gestions  too,  so  stop  by
                                                                   with adding more boats to   and  say  hello  when  you
                                                                   the rental fleet of pontoons   are in the area.
        The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein                                   Page 21
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