Page 24 - 2022 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 24

Fuel Dock Open All Year
                                        Gas & Diesel
                              N. Anchor Bay via Swan Creek Pg. 64

                                                Beer Cave
                                               on the Lake

                            Huge Craft Beer Selection
                                 “Mix & Match”

            WACKY WEDNESDAY!                    Walk In
            “Shore” prices at the dock        Beer Cooler

                                                                       St. Clair Boat Harbor
            LIQUOR!        FRESH SUBS                                  Pg. 33 - G,D,P / A, M   St. Clair
                                                                       Map    Lat. N42 49
                                                                      PG. 93  Long. W82 29
                                                                                    Shore Thing Market
                                                                 Sunsation Harbor   Pg. 24 - G/F,B,W/M
            8751 Dixie Hwy.-M29, Fair Haven - (586)273-7922      Pg. 83 - G,P/F,/ M  PG. 64  On the Swan
          Open 7 Days  4:45am - 11:00pm   (Sunday 6am-10pm)     Map   Lat.  42 40.405
                                                               PG. 84  Long. 82 44.219
                                              Sun-Up Marina                                            Mayea Marina
            Key to Services:                Pg. 39 - G,P/ F / A,M     New           Haven           Pg. 5- G, P/F, B,W/M
                                                                                                           Lat. 42 40.40
                                                  Lat. 42 39.12
         G - Gas                           PG. 87  Long. 82 47.6    Baltimore                       PG. 64  Long. 82 39.13
         D - Diesel                     Anglers Point        Chesterfield      Bouvier    Algonac   Bouvier Bridge Marina
         P - Pumpout                Pg. 67 -G,P/F,B,W/A,M              Anchor                       Pg. 107 - G, D, P /F/ M
                                                                                                           Lat. 42 40.215
                                     Map   Lat.    42 37.53                            N. Channel         Lng. 82 38.089
         F - Food/Snacks            PG. 86  Long. 82 49.81              Bay                         PG. 65
         B - Beer                Duffy's Landing @        Harrison            Middle Channel        Algonac Harbour Club
                                 Belle Maer Harbor
                                                                                                      Pg. 17 - G,D,P/F
         W - Wine              Pg. 25- G,D,P/F,B,W/M        Twp.                                     Map   Lat. 42 36.60
                                 Map   Lat. 42 36.54                                                PG. 91  Long. 82 32.94
         A - Bait               PG. 86  Long. 82 47.48                        Muscamoot
                                                                Clinton River                          Sunset Harbor
         M - Marine Supplies       Miller Marina      St. Clair                                      Pg. 61 - G, P / F / M
                               Pg. 22 - G,D,P/F,B,W/A  Shores                                        Map   Lat.  42 36.92
                                       Lat.  42 47.1
                    Brad        Map    Long. 82 87.7            Middle Channel Marina               PG. 91  Long. 82 33.84
                                                                 Pg. 21 - G/F,B,W/A/M
                    from        PG. 89                            Map  Lat.  42.40.405     Mitchell’s Bay
                    Ohio       Pg. 9-G,D,P/F,B,W/A,M     “Zoom in” to these pit stops!    Pg. 52 - G, P / A  Mitchell’s
                                                                       Long. 82.44.21
                                  Michigan Harbor
                                                                 PG. 90
      MAP - GAS | BEER         Pg116-G,D,P/F,B,W/A,M          Check out the maps at        Map PG. 92 Long. 82 27 53.28
                                                                                           Lat. 42 28.09
                                       Lat.  42 28.28
                                                                                           Long. 82 25.51
                                      Long. 82 52.84
                                PG. 89
                                Jefferson Beach Marina
                                                                   pages 84-93
                                                                                                  Lighthouse Gas Variety
                                                                                                   G, P / F,B,W / A / M
                                       Lat. 42 28.05
                                                                                                  Mouth of Thames River
                                      Long. 82 52.52
                                PG. 89
                                                                      Puce Harbor Marina
                                                                                                     Lat.  42 19 20.6
                                                                        Pg. 116 G, P / F
                                                                             Lat.  42 18.25
                                                                      PG. 92
                                                                            Long. 82 46.35
                                          Emerald City Harbor
                                        Pg. 61 - G,D,P / F / A,M
                                               Lat.  42 28.05
                                               Long. 82 52.40
                                        PG. 89
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