Page 23 - 2015 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 23

Fuel docks around Lake St. Clair using Valvtect Marine Fuel include Algonac Boat Harbor, Sunset Harbor, MacRay Harbor, Sassy Marina, Colony Marine,
                          Riverside Market, Sun Up Marina, St. Clair Boat Harbor, Michigan Boat Harbor, and Gregory Boat Company.

                                     We also spotted
Cool!    Cooler!                     these large birds in
                                     the St. Clair Flats
       We saw eagles many times, or  off the Middle
           this one a lot! around    Channel for the first
                                      time. After post-
          the Middle Channel and     ing their photos on                                                         Michigan’s
                 Bouvier Bay         Facebook, and after                                                        Tallest Bird
                                                                                                                 at 4’ with a
                                       a very lively dis-                                                      6’ wing span.

                                     cussion, everyone
                                     agreed they were “Sandhill Cranes”. Some called
                                     them “Ribeye in the Sky”... guess they are good to
                                     eat! Join our discussions at

                                     Sandhill Cranes a.k.a. Ribeye in the Sky

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