Page 28 - 2015 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 28

SteLBtsaaoksnsemBSatl.asyCtelloraciTrkoNfuinronristahhmeedernn6tOt2hp0a1etn4the  stand how to get into this pro sport.          seem to be driven more to the Bassmaster
                                                                                 	 The FLW tour has six events                  anglers and getting sponsors to help pay for
                                                                                 during the season. You don’t need to phys-     some or all of your entry fees, your equip-
                                                                                 ically qualify for their season, however to    ment and boat is a necessity for some.
                                                                                 participate, you need to pay your entry fees   	 Maybe too the Bassmaster’s are
                                                                                 up front which for 2014 was $24,000. FLW       looked upon a little higher is because the
                                                                                 encourages the pro anglers to fish each lake   angler needs to qualify to gain entry into
                                                                                 in the annual series so it is a fair competi-  their Pro Elite group of 100. The Lake St.
                                                                                 tion (no angler just comes in and competes     Clair Open last September was one of these
                                                                                 on their “home” lake). The FLW tour has        entry gates. The Bassmasters hold “opens”
                                                                                 upwards of 150 fishermen each year.            in the South, Central, and Northern U.S.
                                                                                 	 The other pro series is B.A.S.S.             Each of these geographical areas has 3 tour-
                                                                                 The Bassmaster series seems to be a little     naments. To qualify for Bassmasters, you
                                                                                 more prestigious. Maybe because they have      must be in the Top 5 in one of the Regional
                                                                                 been around longer and have gotten more        Opens. Or, the winner of “one” of any of
                                                                                 promotion? Not sure why. But an import-        these events also will qualify you.
                                                                                 ant thing for these pro anglers, sponsors      CONTINUED ON PAGE 30.......

How do you Get to                                                                There was a continuous line of 150+ boats parading through
Be a Pro Fisherman?                                                              Lake St. Clair Metropark for the Bassmaster Northern Open

	 There are a couple ways to do

it. There are two national groups hosting
professional fishing tournaments around
the country... B.A.S.S. and the FLW Series
which stand for Bass Anglers Sportsman
Society and the Forrest L. Wood Series
(named for the founder of Ranger Boats).
The B.A.S.S. Series seems to be a little more
recognized as “Bassmasters.” They are pro-
moted by ESPN and sponsored by Bass Pro
Shops. The second organization is the FLW
series. FLW is promoted by NBCSports
and is sponsored by Walmart.
	 Brandon Coulter, FLW pro angler
from Tennessee at last year’s Lake St. Clair
Northern Open helped me to better under-

Proud owners of this cute restored boat below
    with a 1951 Montgomery Ward Engine

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