Page 52 - 2015 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 52

Newly                                                              On Shore or on Water
“Marked”                                                           On display at
                                                                   the Grace
   Deep                                                            Performance
Channel!                                                           booth at last
                                                                   Fall’s Boat
 A true Lake St. Clair local’s bar since 1976                      Show at Lake
          Home of the Famous Raft Burger!                          St. Clair Met-
                                                                   ropark, this
7707 Dyke Rd. just off M29 on northern Lake St. Clair              new hybrid
Fair Haven, MI ~ (586)725-9100 ~                vehicle was quite
Open Daily Year Round ~ Outside Seating Available in Season        a show stoppper.
                                                                   The “Quadski” is powered by a BMW engine and
  Scstofuoocpnrkstbaeaytil                                         is capable of 45mph speeds on land and water.

“Inside our Tiki Bar” - Open Fri/Sat/Sun @ 4pm

Is it a Pike              Jim from                                            Ron from Indiana
or a Muskie               Ohio with a                                         with a Muskie in
                          Tiger Muskie                                        Anchor Bay
   ..... or a             caught near
  “Tiger”                 Fair Haven
Through one of our avid
Muskie fisherman guests,
Jim from Ohio, I learned

something new last sea-                                            Christina  which are often called
son. Lake St. Clair has a                                          from       tiger muskies, are quite
hybrid species of Muskie                                           Mattawan,  distinctive in appear-
….”Tiger Muskie.”                                                  MI with a  ance and would be very
	 I shared some                                                    32” Pike   difficult to mistake for
photos with Michael Thomas, our Lake St. Clair Fisheries Sta-                 a northern pike. How-
tion Research Biologist. He commented that Tiger muskies                      ever, Mike confirmed
have not been stocked in Lake St. Clair at any time. The thought              that catching and
is there is a low level of natural hybridization that takes place             keeping one would
between our spotted muskellunge and northern pike. The in-
cidence of hybridization seems to have increased some during

the past 5-7 years, which Mike thought may be due to the low-                 fall under your One

er lake levels compressing the spawning habitat for northern                  Single Annual Musk-

pike and muskellunge in the lake, resulting in more overlap                   ie Permit, which you
during spawning.
	 The “spotted    muskellunge…northern pike hybrids”                 can get for free when you purchase your fishing license.
                    The author, publisher, or seller assumes       noSleiaebialittyriwgihtht froesrpseoctmtoetehaesuysetiopfsintfoorhmealptioidnecnontitfayinyeoduhrerfeisinh.
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