Page 55 - 2015 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 55
MERCURY Year Round Manufacturers' Authorized Services & Mechanics
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31785 S. River Road, Harrison Township, MI 48045 - Located at Sun Dog Marina ◆ 586.469.4131
Continued from previous page... time, the Old Club reserves the for-
fishing, trap shooting, golf, and cro- mal dining hall for members or the
quet. friends of members…. So all in who
Although there are 50 resi- you may know…?
dences, no club member lives at the While Dale was meeting
Old Club. There are eight apart- with a lucky couple planning their
ments, 16 condos, and the 13 “can- wedding, I went on my own for an-
dy colored” cottages built on stilts other hour borrowing Dale’s golf
over the South Channel that line the cart to take photos. I was impressed
boardwalk. (I asked Dale when the touring around the beautiful build-
houses became the colors they are to- ings and the breath taking peninsular
day, and he wasn’t sure about that... grounds surrounded by the blue wa-
anyone know?) The residences are ters of our South Channel and Mus-
mainly used only on the weekend; camoot Bay… but now it was around
and, you must be a club member to 2pm, and I was really looking for-
own a residence on the property. So ward to having lunch.
yes, when you do pass on to our next Chef Chris and his staff Don’t forget...
you still owe me a beer....
world, your home must be sold to a use only the freshest of ingredients
member. and avoid any genetically modified
The Club’s season is from foods. Dining service includes full
May 1 to mid-October, however, the breakfast, lunch, and dinner menus
big weekend events slow down after with lots of seasonally based choic-
Labor Day. This allows for a few es which changes weekly… After a
lucky ladies to have their weddings very difficult decision I went healthy
here with use of the “Ritz” hotel the and had a grilled asparagus panini
last four or five weekends before The which included heirloom tomatoes,
Club closes. Don’t call Dale if your roasted red pepper, balsamic mari-
daughter is looking for a venue how- nated portabello mushroom, fontina
ever…. Because of the limited open cheese, and Continued on page 56.... Page 55
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