Page 60 - 2015 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 60

MAN VS. FISH How we got the 100 Pound- hands and lift...then you try and hold the we thanked them for the help.
er Continued from Page 58...When it tail and I’ll reach down and grab its head                   What a fish! We were so beat and ex-

jumped the 2nd time at 1st I froze with my and lift...use everything you got!” So we hausted we just sat there taking it all in
                                                 got it half way in and I said, “O.k. Dennis let for a good 10 minutes then I called Jim
jaw dropped then both Dennis and I were
whoooping and hollering like two kids on         go of the tail and grab down here and lift Felgenauer the President of St. Clair-De-
Christmas Morning. Another boat that was
fishing nearby stopped and shared our ex-        again with everything you got!” Slowly the troit River Sturgeon for Tomorrow and
citement as they watched! It was a man
and woman and it was her birthday and he         beast made its way into the boat and was said, I think I’m done fishing. Jim asked
told us he told her he’d show her a big fish
tonight. Little did they know how big this       on the floor and the high fives and whoo- why what happened and I told him we just
fish was!
                                                 pin and hollerin started to echo from Algo- caught and landed a 68” 100 pounder and
  After 2 more jumps the monster finally
surfaced and I was in awe...” How are we         nac to Port Huron!
gonna get that thing in the boat?” was run-
ning through my mind as I looked at this         After measuring
Pre-Historic Giant. I grabbed our big net
and tried 3 times to get it in the net and       the length at 68”
it was just too big! So I put the net down
and grabbed a hold of the giant’s tail and       and the girth at 32”
had to use both hands to hang on! Dennis
put the rod in the holder and I told him to      Dennis knew the
bear hug it and lift with all his might...and I
said, “Dennis...Lift!” To which he replied...”   weight chart so well
I am! I am!” and the fish wasn’t moving!
                                                 he said, “This is my
  So we let go and Dennis grabbed the rod
and it was still hooked. As I tried the net      100 pounder Don!
again I heard from our spectators in the
boat watching, “I think you need a bigger        My dream came true
boat!” The net didn’t work so I told Den-
nis, “ Ok I am gonna grab the tail with both     thank you so much!”

                                                 We quickly got the

                                                 fish on Dennis’s lap  Dennis Moritz from Roseville with his 105#, 68”
                                                 for a few pictures
                                                 and both grabbed Sturgeon on the North Channel of Lake St. Clair
                                                 hold of the Prehis-

                                                 toric Fish and slowly lowered it over the it kicked our butts! I could hear Jim’s happy

                                                 side. We couldn’t hold it upstream with chuckle as he congratulated us.

                                                 its size and the current and it slipped from 	  This is what it’s all about...mak-

                                                 our grip! Luckily the Spectator boat was ing sure every fisherman has the chance

                                                 still there and I asked if they could go to to experience catching a Pre-Historic Fish

                                                 the fish and put their hand in its mouth that is almost as big as you that was al-

                                                 and float downstream with it and revive most extinct and now with the help of

Author of our story....Donald McChristian Jr.                          it so we didn’t have people like Mike Thomas from the Michi-

         with a 57” Sturgeon on the North Channel                      to pull the anchor gan DNR, James Boase from US. Fish and

                                                                       cause we both were Wildlife, Jim Felgenauer who founded St.

                                                                       beat! They gladly did Clair-Detroit River Sturgeon for Tomorrow,

                                                                       so and as they held all the Board Members and all the People

                                                                       it we hear, “Oh my who buy a membership we can catch these

                                                                       Goodness I cannot awesome fish right in our backyard in the

                                                                       believe I am touch- St. Clair River!
                                                                       ing this cool huge
                                                                       fish!” Then we saw     	 Oh...and yes Dennis’s fish won
                                                                       a big splash and they  the Tournament for us but that day and
                                                                       cheered as it swam     fish will forever be etched in my mind and
                                                                       down back into the     that’s worth more than any Tournament
                                                                       depths of the river!   winning ever in my book!
                                                                       They thanked us for    	 After the tournament ended we
                                                                       the experience and     fished til 5am and I caught a 57 incher!
                                                                                              What a night!
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