Page 91 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 91
The best place to
watch a sunset
is on the water
... or stop by a local
eatery on the
water for a
shopping break
Please take care as Besides the wildlife
you travel the northern below, you’ll often see
end of Lake St. Clair. swans nesting right
While driving along along side of the road
the long straight M29 as cars pass within a
stretch between Algo- few feet going 50mph.
nac and Fair Haven And thank you to
(The Dyke), you’ll find whomever added the
the Michigan DNR Sasquatch “shadow”
protected St. Johns coming out of the
Marsh Wildlife Ref- marsh, just across
uge. There you will from the warning sign!
see a number of signs We appreciate the
reminding you to be regular laugh!
alert because of fre-
quent animals cross-
ing the roadway. H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
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