Page 96 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 96

Kids Home, one of the best fa-
                                                                                         cilities they had found offering
                                                                                         a Christian based facility, hous-
                                                                                         ing and school for children who
                                                                                         have lost their parents.
                                                                                              Last season stops includ-
                                                                                         ed    lunch  at  Hook  -  St.  Clair
                                                                                                   Shores,  the  South
                                                                                                   Channel    Lights,
                                                                                                   down  the  Detroit
                                                                                                   River to Wyandotte,
          NEW!  “Splash for the              two long time boating indus-                          then returning to the
              Kids” Poker Run                try  business  owners,  Chip                          home base of Lake
                                             Miller  of Miller Marina and
                                                                                                   St.  Clair  Metropark
        We  have  a  new  Lake  St.  Clair  Poker  Eric  Lafata  of  Lafata  Cus-                  for a meal provided
        Run for a very special charity!  If you  tom  Paint.    Both  of  these                    by  Bubba’s  Barbe-
        did not catch it last season, the Splash  men lost their fathers un-                       que.  Quite a good
        for Kids will be a multi-day event this  fortunately at an early age.                      stretch of the legs
        year, August 16-18.                                                                        journey  compared
             The co-founders are                                                                   to some other Pok-
                                                                                                   er  style  runs  which
                                                                                      occur each season.
                                                                                           This year, Chip and Eric plan
                                                                                      to  increase  the  visibility  for  this
                                                                                  charity’s  2nd  Anniversary  “Splash  for
                                                                This has led them  the  Kids.”    Plans  are  underway  for  a
                                                                to support  other  street party on Utica Rd. from 12 Mile
                                                                children who have  to  Gratiot  in  Roseville  on  Friday Aug.
                                                                lost their parents.  16  mixed  with  classic  cars  followed
                                                                          Last  season,  with fireworks; on Saturday a Raft Off
       H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
                                                                over  200  people  style  get-together;  and  Lake  St.  Clair
                                                                attended  this 1st  area Poker Run on Sunday.
                                                                time  event  on  40       If you’d like to participate, sponsor,
                                                                fast  and beauti-  or show up at one of these events to
                                                                ful  boats.    While  help support Splash for Kids, you may
                                                                thoroughly  enjoy-  find more information direct at
                                                                ing  the fantastic
                                                                weather  day  and       Updated seasonal information with
                                             making new friends, over $20,000 was  links to register can always be found at
                                             raised and was given to the Tennessee
              Chip Miller & Eric Lafata

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