Page 92 - 2024 Lake St Clair Guide
P. 92

There are many opportunities to see antique boats.
                  I took these photos while on shore at two parades!

          @ Algonac              See page 106 for dates.
          during Pickerel

                                                                    @ San Souci Bar
                                                                    - Harsen’s Island

                                                                          SS KEEWATIN -         the Great Lakes in
          The day after the Raft Off -                                    By Mike Chase,        Kingston Ontario.
                                                                                                          We were fortu-
                     Only a few still standing.                           Windsor Aerial        nate enough  to  be
                                                                          Photography           able to document
                                                                               In what will un-  her journey down
                                                                          doubtedly  be re-     the St. Clair River to
                                                                          membered as the       Detroit and south to
                                                                          maritime event for    Amherstburg.
                                                                          2023, the SS Kee-          During the course
                                                                          watin headed down-    of her journey, en-
                                                                          stream on  her way    thusiasts were lined
                                                                          to  her  final  resting   up  on  both  shores
                                                                          place.                as the tugs  Molly
                                                                               The Keewatin is   M I and the Manitou
                                                                          one  of the largest   occasionally recog-
                                                                          remaining Edward-     nized the crowds
                                                                          ian era passenger     with salutes.
                                                                          steamers left in the             Windsor Aerial
                                                                          world.                captured many pho-
                                                                               She is older than   tos and videos from
                                                                          the  Titanic  featur-  the journey.
                                                                          ing 108 staterooms       You can check
                                                                          with berths for 288   their    Facebook
                                                                          passengers      and   page for more pho-
                                                                          manned by a crew      tos as well as a vid-
       H20 LIFESTYLES - join us!
              WHILE MOST                                                  of 86.                eo  that  documents
          ARE RELAXING ON                                                           Her  final  des-  the historic journey.
                                                                          tination  was the
                                                                                                  Windsor Aerial
            SUNDAY AFTER                                                  Marine Museum of      Drone Photography
              RAFT OFF...

            GO TO WORK

                                                               Marine Serivce
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