Page 18 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 18

The friendliest marina on Lake St. Clair!


   "Close & Easy Access to Muscamoot Bay, Gull Island,
               & the Sandy Beaches of Seaway Island"

         145 protected deep water wells up to 70' on
   Harsen's Island. Bring your dinghy and explore the

      protected "back country" of the bays. Spend the
   weekend relaxing and BBQing with your boat club.
Reservations are welcomed so call early for availability!

                ~ Call us for great seasonal rates ~

                                                                                                ~ ~

                                                                                                       See Page 50 for
                                                                                               Amenities & Coordinates

                                                                                                 Contact our friendly
                                                                                                  dockmistress Shirley
                                                                                                   for information at
                                                                                               810.748.3535 or email:


	 Were you on northern An-              expectedly. If you were here, you                      severe thunderstorms that at the
chor Bay last 4th of July weekend       witnessed this rare cloud formation                    same time are dropping large hail
in a gigantic hail storm and high       and the unusually orangish brown                       (Yes that was us) and unleashing 60-’d remember this one                                                                70 mph bursts of wind (Yes that was
if you were! A severe thin line of      ss	 uomnseetti.mMes afomrmmonatthue sbacclkosiudedosf  us).
violence came suddenly and un-                                                                 	 According to

for the scientific explanation... Mam-  clouds form when the updraft is very                   ward bulges.
matus clouds form downward from         moist, and spreads out large quanti-                   	 Despite a myth some people
the base of the thunderstorm anvil,     ties of ice crystals into the anvil. As                have heard, these mammatus clouds
in which air spreads out horizontally   these ice crystals fall out of the base                do not continue downward to become
away from the updraft. Mammatus         of the anvil, they begin to "evapo-                    tornadoes. They also don't guarantee
                                        rate." Technically the term for this                   a tornado will form from the thunder-
                                        process is "sublimate", as they go                     storm. But they do signify an intense
                                        from ice to vapor. This cools the air                  thunderstorm that is usually capable
                                        and creates small downdrafts. These                    of some form of severe weather or
                                        downdrafts create the downward                         flash flooding.
                                        bulges that characterize the mamma-
                                        tus clouds. Before long the ice crys-                   Have trouble remembering cloud
                                        tals all sublimate. At that point the air                   names? Mammatus comes
                                        stops sinking and begins to rise back
                                        up in the clefts between those down-                      from the latin mamma, which
                                                                                                   refers to the resemblance of a
                                                                                                   woman’s breast or an udder.

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