Page 14 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 14

you’ll have the easiest                            Believe it       Deep Fried
                                                   chance of close park-                              or not, there    Kool Aid
                                                   ing... by 9pm the city                             were docks
                                                   was rockin’.                                       open along
                                                                                                      the seawall!
                                                   The festival had sev-                              The race sail-
                                                   eral bands on different                            boats take up
                                                   blocks of the city.                                a lot of space,
                                                   There was a carnival                               however,
                                                   for the kids,
• INSIDE HEATED STORAGE •                          vendors with
  • INSIDE COLD STORAGE •                          artwork,
     • OUTSIDE STORAGE •                           clothing, nau-
              • REPAIRS •                          tical items,
                                                   metal work-
                                                   ing, jewelry,
                                                   and more.

           • BOAT WELLS •                          Besides the                                        there was dock space open in front of the
                                                   traditional                                        restaurants. Check the transient marina
Phone: 810.748.3330                                food on the
 Fax: 810.748.3800                                 street, and                                                        section in the back of this
                                                   several restaurants to                                             Guide for reserved dockage
                    Bob & Susan Bryson             choose from, there                                                 in Port Huron. There were
                 3272 South Channel Drive                                                                             lots of police / sheriff / coast
                7650 South Channel Drive                                                                              guard on the water so as
                                                                                                                      always, boat safe and sober.
                     Harsens Island, MI                                                                               	

The                                                were vendors also                                  Oh, and did I mention you can look at
Bluewater                                          set up with prime rib                              all the sailboats that will be racing?
Festival                                           sandwiches, Hamtram-
                                                   ck Kielbasa, Canadian Walleye Sliders...
	 We hadn’t been to “Boat Night”                   and something new I tried... Deep Fried
in Port Huron for                                  Kool Aid! It tasted like an elephant ear
awhile so went
again. “Boat                                                                           and once
Night” is the Fri-                                                                     you started
day night before                                                                       eating it,
the race party for                                                                     you couldn’t
the annual Port                                                                        stop. I don't
Huron to Mackinac Sailboat Race.                                                       recommend
	 Traveling by car, you want to                                                        it if you're
plug 207 Water Street, Port Huron, into            going to mix in some libations... an hour
your GPS. This will get you within a               later didn't feel so good for a bit.
block and you can then start looking for
parking from there. If you can arrive by           There was great people watch-
                                                   ing from the restaurants which
                                             5pm,  overlook the Black River...
                                                   lots of boats decorated cruising
                                                   back and forth. There was also
                                                   a “mannequin” contest with
                                                   real people standing for hours.
                                                   You voted for the mannequin
                                                   with a $1 bill, which the win-
                                                   ner took all for their favorite

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