Page 10 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 10

Offshore Racing                                                        Fireworks Along the Water
	 There are several boat races happening in our
area this year... the Gold Cup on the Detroit River, the
2nd Annual OPA Race in Port Huron, and the St. Clair                   New Baltimore - Anchor Bay    June 21

River Classic in the city of St. Clair.                                Detroit/Windsor - Detroit River June 25
	 We went last year to St. Clair, intending on just
Friday nights fun, but had such a great time we went                   Mt. Clemens-Clinton River Downtown June 29

back on Sunday! The St. Clair River Classic is three                   Marysville - St. Clair River  June 29
days full of fun. On Friday and Saturday, M29 along the
river is closed off for the Avenue of Vendors, Carnival,               Algonac - St. Clair River     June 30

& Beer Tents. Race boats are lined up along the road,                  Belle Maer/MacRay - Anchor Bay July 4
with pit crews around to talk, while you listen to great
live music played on the waterfront with big name acts.
I'm not sure if we had more fun seeing the boats on                    St. Clair - St. Clair River   July 4

shore or during the race! Seeing all the boats on shore                Port Huron - St. Clair River  July 14

was really awesome.
	 The racing on Sunday is free to watch and there is plenty
                                                         of viewing
                                                                       River closures will be in place from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM local
                                                         along the     time. At the decision of Coast Guard PATCOM, traffic may be al-
                                                                       lowed between races. Mariners are advised to listen to the regu-
                                                         waterfront    lar marine information broadcasts on their VHF-FM marine radio
                                                                       and may contact the Coast Guard Patrol Commander on VHF-FM
                                                         in the park.  Channel 16. There could be closures also on Saturday from 11-
                                                                       6pm during boat testing.
                                                         There are

                                                         several rac-

                                                         es, which

                                                         start around

                                                         noon, and

Great viewing along the                                  run through
       St. Clair boardwalk                               the after-
                                                         noon. Boats

are grouped by speed class, with separate races running for each

                     class. Steve Brunner, Blue Water Off-

                     shore Race Association president and

                     race chairman said the St. Clair River

                     Classic is the second largest race of

                     its kind in the United States, with about

                     45 to 50 boats expected to compete.               The 50' Mystic - World's fastest offshore
                                                                         catamaran at 213 MPH with twin T-55
                     Boats range in speeds from approxi-                Chinook Helicopter Turbines - 6000 HP

                     mately 200 mph with the turbine-pow-

                     ered Miss Geico to other offshore boats

seeing 70mph.

	 Canadian Viewing - The best viewing spot on the Cana-

dian side of the river is from Mooretown to Courtright.

	 Attention boaters on the St. Clair River .....River clo-
sure for Sunday, July 29, 2012 – This closure applies to ALL non-
                                         commercial vessel

                                         traffic (pleasure and

                                         fishing craft). Coast

                                         Guard PATCOM will

                                         begin enforcing the

                                         established safety

                                         zone at 11:00 AM.

                     The author, publisher, or seller assumes no liability with respect to the use of information contained herein. Page 10
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