Page 13 - 2012 Lake St. Clair Guide
P. 13

can’t loosen deposits in the tank. According to other     Too much mint in the
                                                          garden? Take along some
experts, the benefit of leaving tanks filled with treat-
                                                          Frozen Mojito Popsicles for
ed fuel is there’s less likelihood of moisture form-
                                                          the "of age" children on your boat. You
ing in the tank from condensation; and, a topped-off
                                                          can freeze them in paper dixie cups so
                      tank minimizes the explo-
                                                          once you start eating it, you have a cup
                          sive fumes that can remain
                                                          to get every last drop!
The shelf life in an empty tank. The Na-                  This recipe makes 14 – ½ Cup
of E10 is only        tional Fire Protection As-          · 1.5C Lime Juice
60-90 days            sociation calls for tanks to        · 2.5C Soda
                      be topped off to minimize           · 1C Water
                                                          · 1/3C Fresh Mint
if left without explosive vapors. Draining                · 1.5C Sugar
                      the tank may be an option           · 3T Light Rum
treatment.            for boat owners with small          · 3 Limes Peeled / Quartered
                                                          Blend all liquids in a pitcher and
                      fuel tanks but for owners of        let stand 5 minutes. Put in the rest
                                                          of the ingredients and muddle together. Strain the solids then run
larger boats, topping it off makes more sense.
                                                                                                     this thru a small food processor.
If you’re not already concerned....                                                                  Put 1/3 C liquid into each cup,
                                                                                                     then about 2 tsp. of the muddled
1.	 Alcohol is an excellent cleaner, solvent, an-                                                    mint and lime pieces into each
ti-freeze and most important, ethanol is hygroscopic,                                                cup. Freeze overnight.
meaning it will absorb large amounts of water.                                                       	 Paper Dixie cups and
                                                                                                     popsicle sticks bought at $1
2.	 The most serious boat engine problems, re-                                                       store (you can find the sticks in
sulting from ethanol E10 use, have mainly occurred                                                   the craft area).
due to illegal amounts of ethanol (over 10 %) being
incorrectly added at the gas station pumps by the de-
livery truck drivers.

Continued on Page 24

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