Page 10 - 2009 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 10

Fireworks Along the Water

                                                 Marysville          Belle Maer &
                                                   June 12         MacRay Harbor

                                        New Baltimore                     July 4 Algonac
                                             June 25                                    July 4

                                        Mount Clemens                         Grosse Pointe
                                             June 26                                July 4

                                              Port Huron,                     St. Clair
                                                                                July 4
                                                 Vantage Point
                                                 June 27  

The Dog Days of Summer...and New Years Eve?

It is the subject of more myth and      The first annual rising of Sirius was    its reappearance.
folklore than any other star apart      seen, just before dawn, every year
from the sun. The Dog Days of           during July; marking the start of       The Ancient Egyptians knew that
Summer began in the times of an-        the Egyptians' New Year. Our New        a year was slightly over 365¼ days.
cient Egypt with the rising of the      Year’s Eve celebration is a continu-    The earth takes 365.25636 days to
star “Sirius.” The Egyptians noted      ation of this most ancient ritual of    complete one revolution around the
the star would rise in the east along   the return of Sirius. On December       sun. The Egyptian calendar proved
with the sun during the hottest time    31st, Sirius reaches the highest point  to be so accurate, they were able to
of the year and considered Sirius to    in it’s nightly travels in the sky at   construct monuments with perfect
be adding its heat to the earth.        midnight.                               precision.

Sirius, from a Greek word mean-         The ancient Egyptian calendar was       For example, at the Abu Simbel
ing, "searing" or "scorching," is       invented over 5000 years ago. It was    Temple, one of Egypt's top tour-
fixed in one place at the bridge         originally based on the lunar cycle     ist destinations, there is a statue
of the Milky Way. It is one of the      of 12 months, which the Egyptians       of Ramses II, located among other
watchmen of the Heavens keeping         grouped into three seasons of four
guard. The ancient Egyptians called     months each to coincide with the        statues at the back of its sanctuary.
Sirius the 'dog star', after their god  rise and fall of the waters of the
Osirus, whose head in pictograms        Nile. The annual flooding of the         For more than 3200 years, the first
resembled that of a dog. The Dog        Nile began each year around the
Star is a symbol of power, will, and    end of June. Although the floods         rays of the morning sun shine down
steadfastness. The association of       occurred within a range of 80 days,     the entire length of the temple-cave
Sirius as a celestial dog has been      they were not accurate enough to        to illuminate the
consistent throughout the world;        base a calendar on. So                  Continued on Page 12.....
even in remote China, the star was      the ancient Egyptians,
identified as a heavenly wolf.           having noticed that the
                                        Nile’s rising coincided
Sirius has much more to do with         with the rising of the star
our every day life than just old        Sirius, the brightest star
myths. The calendar we use today        in the sky, based the cal-
began with the charting of this star.   endar year on the cycle of

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