Page 14 - 2009 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 14

For savings   Shipping Canal Proposed between Lake Erie                                                     have
of time and                                                                                                 an av-

money, and    and Lake St. Clair to Save Fuel and Time                                                      erage
to eliminate                                                                                                speed

the danger                             to Lake Erie, the water level changes                                of ten

of freight-                                                                                                 miles
ers going aground in the Detroit River four feet or less, so no locks would be / hour. Allowing a speed of only six
while navigating around the many is- required.
                                                                              miles / hour passing thru the canal

lands, a project was brought forward                                          would still give a savings of 7 hours
to shorten the route from Lake Huron The cost of the canal is estimated at on each trip, versus going up the De-
to Lake Erie. From the “cut” depicted $4.5 million, which does not include troit River.
in the map, this canal would shorten the price of the land. This cost cov-

the route through                                                                        This new

the Great Lakes by                                                                       channel

78 miles.                                           Lake St.  Canal                      would, how-
                                       Detroit Clair          Cut                        ever, need to
The plan, proposed                                            Proposal                   charge a fee
by the Dominion                                                                          to recuper-
Parliament of On-                                                                        ate its costs

tario, would be to                                                                       and main-

cut a canal 26 miles                                                                     tenance. A

east from Point                                                                          payment of

Pelee on Lake Erie,                                                                      3 cents per

to near the Thames                                                                       ton to pass

River on Lake St.                                             Lake Erie                  through
Clair.                                                                                   would be


The necessary sur-    Toledo                                                             which still
veys and costs were                                                                      allows cal-

completed by well                                                             Cleveland  culated sav-
known local Detroit                                                                      ings of $1.3

engineer, Daniel                                Sandusky                                 million for

Farrand Henry. His                                                                       freight.

conclusions report

that the land con-                                                                       Backing
sists entirely of clay and no rock for- ers the cutting of the channel, with a from investors has not yet been found.
mations. The dense clay would form minimum depth of 21 feet.
                                                                              These studies were made and proposed

an excellent material for the bed and                                         in 1895. Yes, that was 1895.
banks of a canal. From Lake St. Clair Fast freight boats on the great lakes

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