Page 32 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 32

Have you seen the                   with her was the first                                                                  	
      newest and for sure                  day of Spring 2009.
  the cutest car on the lake?              The ice had just melt-                    Tom is very comfortable driving in
                                           ed off Anchor Bay and                     the water now and has been as far as
	 If not, keep an eye out for her          the water was around                      Detroit, and almost made it under the
this year with license plate IFLOAT2.      33 degrees. He drove                      Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron be-
She is Regatta Red, which you can          her in and out of the                     fore waves started breaking over the
see in full color in the online “virtual”  water four or five                        windshield from the wind and pass-
Guide at         times that day be-                        ing freighters…he’s going to try again
	 I was lucky enough to track              fore the butterflies of                   this year. Getting around the Lake
down Mr. Tom Harley when riding            driving a car in the                      is also fast, with the ability to “drive
                                           water ceased. Also                        on land” to the many places with the
my bike this past summer, and spot-        early in the spring                       help of the numerous DNR sites.
ted her at her home port in Fair Ha-       on Anchor bay he                          	
ven, at the north end of Lake St. Clair.   was in some pretty
	 Tom is very proud of his new             good white caps with the waves break-
car, and was kind enough to share the      ing over the windshield. He stayed
following information about her…           warm and dry with the convertible
                                           top and windows up and heaters blast-
           	 Tom bought the 14’            ing..the heater doesn’t really blast he
           1964 Amphicar from George       said, but he was warm enough. The
           Gray, TV Game Show Host         14’ Amphicar was very stable in those
           from the Weakest Link,          waves. When entering or exiting the
and other various game shows in St.        water, you have both the wheels and
Louis. He paid in the low $30’s,           props engaged; then disengaging one
                                           or the other once on land or water.
                                           	 There is an extra door locking
                                           handle that when engaged, pulls the
                                           door tighter so there is no water entry.
                                           Plus, it cannot be opened by mistake.
                                           The car also has a locking throttle con-
                                           trol so when in the water, you can take
                                           your foot off the accelerator pedal.
                                           	 Probably because it’s a 1964,

but like any great car project, has in-    it only has an AM radio, however, the      The Amphicar gets 34 MPG on land,
vested a few more dollars over the         antenna is telescopic so he can ride un-   and 1.5 GPH in the water, giving
past year getting her “car-ship-shape .”   der some pretty low bridges. It has two    him about eight hours on the wa-
	 Tom’s first time in the water            propellers in the rear, and oddly, they    ter with his 12 gallon tank, which
                                           both turn in the same direction unlike     is mounted in the trunk up in front.
                                           a twin screw Cruiser…I would guess         Surprisingly, Tom had her near 70
                                           parallel parking might be a problem.       mph on land, but normally cruises
                                                                                      at a comfortable 7mph in the water.
                                                                                      	 There were 3,046 Amphi-
                                                                                     cars shipped from Berlin, Germany
                                                                                     to the U.S. in the 1960’s. The origi-
                                                                                     nal cost was between $2800-$3300.
                                                                                     (For comparison, in 1960 the aver-
                                                                                     age car cost was $2,752.) Tom be-
                                                                                     lieves there are around 600 still run-
                                                                                     ning today. Continued on Page 38..

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