Page 37 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 37

How much water                                           K & M MARINE
      should you drink?                                                 Phone: 313-533-9800
Approximately 70% of your body is made
up of water, so proper hydration is critical.                     Sales ▪ Service    14990 Telegraph
Your performance and health depend on                           Parts ▪ Accessories
                                                                Propeller Repair       (Just S. of 5 Mile)
                                             it. A good rule
                                             of thumb is for       Trailer Repair    Redford Township
                                             every 15 pounds                                  48239
                                             of bodyweight
                                             you should be      Shrink Wrapping ▪ Winterizing
                                             drinking 1 cup of  Inside Storage ▪ Tune-Ups
                                             water (8 oz.)...
                                             So that's 6-7                             TecChenrtiicfiiaends
                                             cups/100 pounds.
                                             But this will      Stern Drives & Outboards
                                             vary depending
                                             on your activity
                                             level, size, and

                                             If you are not
                                             near this level
                                             of fluid, move up
                                             slowly, otherwise
expect frequent trips to the bathroom. The
color of your urine throughout the day should
be a pale yellow or white, any darker start
drinking more.

	 What exactly is the white we see be enough                                     	 contrails will last longer.
                                                                moisture in      	
coming off an airplane in the sky?                              the air and the  	 The other type of

                                                                temperature-             contrail is called an
                                                                must be cold        "aerodynamic contrail."
Sometimes in the summer you enough to form these ice crys-                         This is the white line you
look up and see a lot of white tals at the altitude at which                     might see coming off the wing
streaks in the sky which you    the jet is flying.                               tips of a jet.
know are from jets. These       	 Why are contrails                              	 Think of air as water
white streaks are called con-   white? When light                                and think of the sky as a body
trails, which is short for con- passes through the                               of water such as a lake. As the
densation trail, and are similar ice it is reflected or                          aircraft moves through the air
to clouds. They are formed in bent (refracted),                                  it pushes the air out of the way,
two different ways.             which makes it                                   just like a boat moving through
	 Contrails are made at appear white to                                          the water. When the aircraft
very high altitudes (usually    us on the                                        pushes this air out of the way
above 26,000 feet) where the    ground.                                          the tips of the aircraft wings
air is extremely cold (less than 		                             Why are we able  disturbs the air and causes the
-40ºF). Because of this, contrails 	     to see contrails on some                air to rotate like a horizontal
form not when an airplane is          days but not on other                      tornado. This horizontal torna-
taking off or landing, but while days? If the temperature is too                 do is called wingtip vortices and
at cruising altitude.           warm or the air too dry,                         is also termed wake turbulence.
	 Contrails are long            contrails will not form. 		                      	
thin clouds of ice crystals     	 During the summer                              	 Note the word wake in
formed around the small par- the air is usually more humid                       wake turbulence, just like a
ticles (aerosols) which are in  than in winter. This means that                  boat has a wake behind it when
aircraft exhaust. There must evaporation will be slower and                      moving through the water.

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