Page 40 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 40

The Annual Spectacular            The Belle Maer / MacRay Harbor      putting some burgers or ribs on
    4th of July Belle Maer          display is the best and biggest     the barbecue.  Inside the harbor,
                                    of the 20 or so Barry puts on; he   Belle Maer and MacRay boaters
 Harbor & MacRay Harbor             shoots more shells more quickly     are no less enthusiastic as they
    Fireworks Celebration           with different effects to create    putt around in their dinghies and
                                    an intense 25-minute show that
For the last 24 years, Belle Maer   brings the crowd’s emotions         PWC’s. At times, the canals look
and MacRay Harbor Marinas on        up and down which ends with
North River Road in Harrison        everyone cheering and tooting       a little like the Lodge Freeway at
Township have been sponsoring,      their boat horns in appreciation!
the best 4th of July fireworks on   That’s just at the end of the day,  rush hour—but it just adds to
Lake St. Clair. No matter what      however…A few years ago, a
picnic plans we’ve had during       group of boater’s residing at       the festive fun.
the day, it always ends with us     Belle Maer decided a 4th of July
taking our boat over to Anchor      Parade was in order, and so this    	 And last year was the first
Bay, at the entrance of these two   year will be the 4th Annual Golf
beautiful marinas, to watch the     Cart Parade. The parade has         annual Cardboard Boat Regatta.
annual spectacular show.            grown in size each year with
	 The annual show is                participants attired in patriotic
always on the 4th of July… of       costumes ranging from the Stars
course weather permitting. The
fireworks cap off perhaps the                                           Belle Maer hopes to again have
biggest day of the year for Belle
Maer Harbor, where the marina                                           this event the weekend of July
swells to ten times its normal
population and the atmosphere                                           4th, you can check out their
is charged with excitement and
anticipation.                                                           website for event details.
	 According to Barry Beltz,
owner of Great Lakes Fireworks                                          	 It takes a lot more than
and the man responsible for
putting on the display, “It’s an                                        our friends from Great Lakes
incredible amount of work. We
start setting up the barge three                                        Fireworks to put on this
days in advance of the show,
filling all of the mortar tubes,                                        show. Both Belle
& dumpsters with sand,” Barry
says. “The 8”, 10”, and 12” guns                                        Maer and MacRay
have to be buried in sand. We set
up all of the other racks, as well                                      Harbor               provide
as our safety hut there. Then the
Coast Guard, State Police, and                                          the sponsorship,
the city come out to inspect.”
	 Barry personally selects          ‘n Stripes to                       which I have heard
every firework’s product by
making treks to China, India,       army uniforms.                      approaches $30,000.
Brazil, and the U.S. to see their
demos. Barry often asks for         The carts                           Like everything,
certain effects or draws pictures
of what he wants to see. A total    themselves are                      nothing’s cheap,
of some 1,200 shells are used
in the annual display—more if       a spectacle, with                   and we thank both
you include multiple “barrage
cakes” which shoot off 100          some  pulling      trailing         marinas for continuing on with
shells with 25-1,000 shots each.
                                    displays and others topped          this tradition for all our families
                                                                        to enjoy each year. Thank you!
                                    with themed decorations. It is a

                                    sight to behold as the golf carts   	 The fireworks don’t end

                                    maneuver around the packed          there that night, while taking your

                                    marina, waving, playing music,      boat back to your own marina

                                    and honking their horns.            or house, there is a continual

                                    As the holiday progresses, many     show of fireworks over the lake

                                    of the Belle Maer friends are       from other events and house

                                    seen hoisting a toast or two and    parties…you just don’t know

                                                                        which way to turn. If you don’t

                                                                        like driving your boat far in the

                                                                        dark, certainly the safest way to

                                                                        view this spectacular show is to

                                                                        rent a boat well at one of these

                                                                        marinas. Both offer transient

                                                                        dockage, however, make your

                                                                        reservations early.
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