Page 45 - 2010 Lake St. Clair Guide Magazine
P. 45

The "Palm Trees" of the North
In China, Turkey, and Europe,     All willows don’t like shade,     pocrates, who is known as the
Willow Trees are commonly         and grow in wet soil where        founder of medicine and was
planted in cemeteries to          other trees are scarce. There     regarded as the greatest phy-
express grief. The Arabian        are more than 400 species of      sician of his time, prescribed
story-tellers relay the tale      weeping willow trees, with        the bark and leaves of the
of the birth of the willow        most found in the Northern        willow tree to relieve pain and
tree when King David, who         Hemisphere. Weeping wil-          fever. The ancient Egyptians
reigned over the Kingdom of       lows cross with one another       and Greeks, and the American
Israel from.1000–970 BC, had      so easily that new varieties      Indians, sometimes chewed
an affair and then married        are constantly springing up.      the leaves of the willow tree
Bathsheba because she was         As the greenish-yellow flow-      and other plants to relieve
pregnant. King David was one      ers that appear in May never      pain. Early American cultures
day playing on his harp in his    produce seed in this species,     also discovered that willow
private chamber, when two         and as almost all Willows can     bark had medical uses and the
angels appeared before him        be readily propagated by slips,   most common one was in the
and convinced him of his sin.     this is the way in which this     relief of pain and inflamma-
He threw himself upon the         tree is always multiplied. The    tion. In the 18th Century, the
ground, and lay 40-days and       original Weeping Willow seems     active extract in the bark was
40-nights weeping bitter tears    to be a native of extra-tropical  isolated. It was a substance
of penitence; and in those 40-    Asia, from Japan and China to     called salicin. When salicin is
days he wept as many tears as     Armenia and the banks of the      mixed in water it is very acid-
the whole human race have...      Euphrates, and of Egypt and       ic. This acid is called salicylic
so that two streams of tears      North Africa.                     acid. But in its pure form, this
flowed out into the garden,                                         drug made people nauseous.
whence there sprang up two        The most interesting thing        So in 1898, a German chemist
trees, the Weeping Willow and     about the weeping willow and      named Felix Hoffman found a
the Frankincense-tree, the        its cousins is it medicinal his-  way to make a salicylate drug
boughs of the one drooping        tory. Cultures as far back as     that didn’t upset the stomach.
in grief, whilst the other con-   Mesopotamian recognized and       This new drug was called ace-
stantly distils tears of sorrow.  wrote about the medical uses      tylsalicylic acid, but we know it
                                  of willow bark. In 400 BC, Hip-   much better today as “aspirin.”

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